The loud thundering of the passing air around the drop pod was deafening, yet Sirius Korvekt was unfazed. Two hundred and four years in the Confederation Military have hardened him, made him a machine of war. To him, being dropped onto the battlefield in a cramped, metal box, was exhilarating. It pumped that much needed Igderanine right into his veins. His muscles tensed, preparing for impact. Finally, he would be back in the thick of it... The drop pod slammed into the ground and broke apart, revealing the menacing 8 and a half foot tall Tylon, donning black armor. He quickly reached towards his back, and un-holstered his weapon, a very large and bulky Plasma Rifle. Almost immediately he crouched low, with his rifle shouldered, and moved towards the abandoned warehouse that he landed right next to, hugging the wall. He stopped and raised his weapon, scanning ahead with the rifle's scope. Then, a second drop pod landed. Sirius took a quick glance behind him. [i]The space pirate...[/i] He wasn't exactly excited to be working with a criminal, or [i]former criminal[/i], as the A.I. stated. But he couldn't complain, he had no choice in the matter. "Comms check. Do you read, Thalos?" His deep voice echoed in Elizabeth's head. "Loud and clear." Replied the young human female as she quickly approached, with her Assault Bolter raised. She soon crouched behind Korvekt. "So... What's the plan, big guy?" She asked. "Ask the self-appointed Squad Leader when he lands." That suit of nuts and bolts, Alexis, quite visibly grinded Sirius' gears.