Araile loved storms, she loved the way it riled up the water making the blue greenish tint of the water turn a dark black. She swam contentedly through the water, feeling it caress her skin, the most amazing feeling in the world. She paid no heed to the flashes of light above her as lightening flashed and thunder rolled. She loved to look at the world above her, wondering what it was like to breath in the harsh air of land. She swam upwards against the current, it was easy enough on her to do so, she always was out during storms, because she didn't have to be worried about being seen by a harpy or something worse. Her head broke the surface and she flipped her wet hair back off her forehead, she felt the rain drops on her face and she closed her eyes, letting their cold wetness drip over her. She opened her eyes to take in the beauty of such a powerful storm, she saw a flash of something that she knew wasn't rain nor lightening. She squinted looking harder, was that what she thought it was? A harpy?? For real? What in a storm? She watched in horror as the poor unsuspecting harpy tried like mad to get to their safe haven atop the cliff the mermaids just happened to live under. She watched as finally his wings folded under the pressure of the rain and he fell. She watched as he hit the water and sank. Her thoughts warred against eachother, she couldn't let him drown. Never once had she brought harm to a harpy. She tried to stay away from them so she wasn't forced to bring harm upon them. What could that harpy do though? He/She was unconscious and dying most likely, no harm could come of her. She certainly couldn't drown, not like the harpy could. Her thoughts of saving the harpy outweighed her thoughts against it and she dove under the water, heading for the spot she saw the body hit. She found the harpy within seconds, swimming up to it she noticed it was a man. She stopped short, men harpy's were dangerous. Well she would save him, and make sure he was okay and then swim away to deeper waters so he couldn't grab her. She grabbed him and began swimming towards where she knew a little alcove was where he would be safe from wind and rain, so that he could dry while he awaited the end of the storm. He looked almost peaceful in his water slumber, but she knew that peacefulness would be deadly to him, she hurried along as fast as she could manage while dragging him. She burst out of the water inside the alcove and drug him out of the water. She pulled him out as far as she could get him and sat there. She touched him, he was beautiful in a way, for being a harpy. She had a fleeting thought that maybe he wouldn't be dangerous to her. She pushed it aside and slid into the water, retreating away from him but not leaving. She would wait to see if he would make it, then she would flee at the first sign of aggression.