Maruki yawned as he woke up quite late that particular day. He got out of bed and made it before stepping outside on the porch. As soon as he shoved open the door he shocked wide awake. The sun was up way higher then he thought he would be, a measured the time real quick and ran back into his room, took out the letter and read the message again. Crap! He was really late. Maruki got dressed real quick and ran out of the manor, "Maruki-sama! Where are you going!" called his uncle out to him "got to go!" called Maruki back "I am going to meet my team!" One of his little cousins ran up to him, "You forgot this Maruki Onii-sama" and handed him his headband "Thank you" said Maruki and ran off waving to his little cousins and uncle. Maruki ran as fast as he could while binding the headband around his forehead. He ran up a building set off at high speed. Jumping through the woods to the designated training ground he wished he just didn't miss too much. The letter was not very revealing to say the least. He thought about the possible Jounin to be assigned team leader and about his possible teammates from his class. Not paying attention Maruki almost slammed into a tree, a last second Palm thrust saved his skin but killed his momentum. Maruki got down on the ground, completely disorientated. "Byakugan!" Maruki scouted around and noticed three, no four chakra signatures not all to far away from him. One did not seem human though. Jumping out of the protection from the bushes Maruki. There was one older man among them, that should be his commanding Jounin. He noticed a big who looked beaten up. He was in the same class as Maruki, what was his name again? Te- Ti- Tai? Ah whatever, he never had a lot of contact with him. The last person was an Inuzuka girl from around his age, he recognized her from the markings on her cheeks, she was kinda cute. Looking down trying to find her pet he saw... was that a wolf? Maruki has met with wolves before when he still lived in the woods. Wolfs were social creatures and he always held an admiration for them. He kept out oh their territory and they kept away from the cabin he lived in. He liked the wolves. When he got closer he saw that the Inuzuka's pet was not really a wolf, or at least not a full blood. He also noted that every single one of the group was intensely looking at him. Maruki suddenly realized that they were all waiting on him. he grinned sheepishly when he came to a halt "hehe, nice to meet you" Maruki wore his long white traditional Hyūga gown with under it the standard netting training clothing. "sorry for being late, I overslept" looking to his left he saw the boy "jeez, you're pretty beaten up, what the hell happened to you" then the girl "Maruki Hyūga nice to meet you" he pointed at Niken "and who's that?" he smiled as nicely as he could and then turned to the Jounin. he coughed "my excuses again, now, what is going to happen?"