Cyborg was curious at the young woman who was speaking to him. Was she a cyborf like he was or a full robot? The was she spoke suggested that the latter was true, but he couldn't be sure unless he either asked her or helped her. Assuming that she was in fact a robotic, or at least had robotic parts, he nodded at her. "Sure. I can help you out with that after Robin is done with you guys. Honestly, I didn't think that he'd give in to taking in new heroes, but I guess you never really know everything about anyone. Anyways, yeah. I'll take a diagnostics check and patch you up if I can. Six months is quite a while without any sort of check up, so the sooner the better." He gave her a confident smile and quickly turned to the boy that covered one of his eyes as he seemed to be speaking to himself. None of the titans said anything after that, and they all turned to the colorless woman as she let out an odd sound. Beast Boy was the first to respond, looking at her curiously. "Empty? Like hollow empty?" He wasn't quite sure what she meant, and didn't say anything else as the lift stopped moving. It was obvious by the colors and overall appearance that said the garage was Cyborg's domain. With the exception of Robin's motorcycle, everything was coated in a light blue with circuitry all over it, and light and dark grays. Cyborg's pride and joy was up on a railed platform, with a few lights being focused on the car behind the car was the elevator that would take them higher and up to the ground floor. Robin wasted little time and began to move again, heading towards the grey and black doors of the elevator. It should be big enough to fit all of them, or at least most of them. If not, then some of them would have to wait until the first group got out. Unfortunately, the elevator wasn't as big as Robin thought it was, and only seven people could fit in it at a time, even with Beast Boy transforming into a small rabbit to save space. Ryan offered to stay behind with the second group, which allow two from his group of six to go with the Titans.