The impact was loud; deafeningly so. In fact, it had been so loud and so sudden that Lt Rylan Myatt would have almost been entirely certain that it was the work of a rouge thunder strike, one of many that pummelled the surface of Arfina-II in the Solar-Dark seasons. But there was no flash of light, no fork of fire scraping the clouds - and the sound came again and again, counting four in total. Four consecutive blasts with no apparent origin, disorienting the marksman for a moment, who was unable to properly discern the nature of what he was experiencing through his daze. After all, he had no reason to believe that any force would be bold enough to insert directly into the compound. Why would he fear such a farfetched notion? It was probably just equipment failure, he had told himself. Things were so clunky in the middle of the ruin-city that malfunctions were the norm rather than the exception, and seemingly random mechanical failures would happen to the most archaic, esoteric of devices. In this case it was probably a fuel-cell divider or one of the old transistor cores. He raised his rifle to his eye, (it had been sitting beside him at his post for a good few hours without being touched), peering down the assisted scope and into the far reaches of the compound, scanning the area lazily for any sign of disturbance. He could see nothing. Just some dispersing clouds of dust behind one of the southern building blocks. Probably a small explosion of sorts. "Uhh... Come in Lt Daryc" he mumbled, fumbling to activate the communication device hooked to his collar. "We've got a minor mechanical disturbance or something down in the south quadrant. Some kind of fuel misfire or something. Recommend you give it a quick sweep to make sure the area is safe and sound?" There was a moment of static before Lt Stanton Daryc responded. "Roger that. On my way. Kolac is still meeting with his superiors; he's pretty on edge. Not taking any chances here. I'll go check it out," --- -Stanton Daryc begins moving toward the drop zone, unaware of any real threat. -Rylan Myatt is keeping an eye on the area. Stay out of direct firing lines! -Other guards have made no notable actions --- -