Portal: Uprising -------------------------- Chapter One: The Vault [hider= Chapter One][img=http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110621093841/half-life/en/images/9/91/Portal2_conceptart_001.jpg] [/hider] "Good Morning!" A Cheerful Robotic Voice said as Carter slowly opened his eyes. "You have been asleep for 999999999..." The automated voice was obviously malfunctioning. He sat up in his bed and yawned. The room looked horrible, the lights were out, walls were severely damaged probably from them moving the vault around the facility. Carter got up and walked over to the door. He opened it and took a step forward... ------------------------------------ Daniel's vault violently shook him awake. "Main Power Core Reactor Failing. Melt Down Imminent." The Automated voice said. "Great," Daniel mumbled," A reactor melt down..." He stood up and ran to the door, opened it and looked down. "That is quite the drop..." The vaults were secured high up in the facility, to the point where he couldn't even see the ground. "Hello?" He yelled, "Anyone Out There?!"