Character Name: Taegan Abney Age: 20 Appearance: [hider=picture][img=][/hider] At little more than five feet tall, Tae doesn't have much of a physical presence, but it serves her well. Many would say that she's just skin and bones, but she would argue that there's a little spite in there somewhere. Tae has bony fingers and defined cheekbones that can be attributed to poverty. Her visible collarbone and rib cage would also attest to this. She has sullen brown eyes and wavy orange hair. Tae's wardrobe consists of a pair of dirty overalls, a once-white tank top, and a denim [url=]blake cap[/url]. Personality: Tae is an incredibly private person, for someone who doesn't have any real privacy. She thinks herself very clever, and is not unwilling to show off. Nine out of ten times, she responds to serious questions with jokes or dead silence. While she believes she has a talent for pushing people away, she is remarkably bad at telling anyone to go away, so she often ends up sharing space with about a dozen people every night. She enjoys the company, but is not a fan of all the questions constantly asked of her. She avoids nobles as much as she can, but is not unwilling to assist them with questionable matters for a reasonable amounts of money (read: any money at all, I am starving). Tae also has a bad habit of giving money paid to her by nobles to children begging on the street. History: Taegan's parents went missing when she was fifteen. She doesn't remember why exactly they left, but she vehemently believes that it was her fault that they didn't come back. She waited for them to come back until there was no food left for her to eat. Tae wasn't sure what exactly she was supposed to do with herself, so she wandered for a long time. At this point, she wasn't sure how she was going to get more to eat or where she was going to sleep. Admittedly, wandering away from her home was definitely ill-advised, but she was certain that her parents were not coming back for her. Eventually, she found herself searching through garbage for anything that even remotely resembled food. She was willing to eat anything. Much to her dismay, she couldn't find enough to silence her growling stomach. "That's not gonna get ya anywhere, hon. They save their scraps for the dog," a voice laughed. Tae turned to look at the source of the voice. It was a dark-skinned woman with at least one ring on each finger. Tae scowled. "Thanks." The woman held out a silver coin and smirked as Tae's eyes widened. "The proper response was 'Who are you?' By the way, the answer to that question is 'Your new employer,' " she said, retracting the coin. Thus, Taegan learned to steal from the woman who would employ her up until she was captured four years later. Skills: She has had five years to perfect her thievery, and she is rather good with a knife. Likes: Money, warm meals, quiet Dislikes: Questions, old people, nobles Other: "So, how old are you?" "Older than you and younger than the earth."