In this wold you can be anything really, Elf, Demon, Dragonkin, Though I wouldnt recommend Dragonkin because in this world there are very few if any. But that will be explained in a moment... This Roleplay starts out in a bar, its medevil times. The bar is made of wood, with a smooth, stone floor and wooden stools, tables, and bars. The bartenders and servers are all elfs. There is a large dancefloor in the middle of the bar with a band on one of the sides, playing music constantly. The music is very loud most of the time, tough it does quiet down at times. Elf- Elf's are the most common in this world, making up about 76% of the population Humans- Humans are more rare than elfs but there are many Demons- Demons are rare and hardly any have been spotted. Dragonkin- Dragonkin are extinct, well, almost. there was a great war and due to the great strength and power of the dragonkin from such a young age, they were the most used in the war witch resulted in the population hanging on by a thread Dwarf- Dwarfs are fairly common though not often seen due to the fact that they prefer the underground Other- You may choose another Species these are just the few I can name ATM Name: Age: Now, make your character act their age, no 2 year olds leveling buildings Looks: Race: Powers: ThemeSong: Required Because I Can Other: Any Extra Information 1) NO Godmoding, Aka no wiping out everyone or controling others characters. 2) D0nt T@lk L1k3 Th1$ (Dont Talk Like This) I cant understand what your saying and no one else will be able to ethir. 3) NO OOC fights! If you really have a problem, come to me about it and ill sort it out, fighting IC is fine but i dont wanna see the OOC flooded with name calling or arguments, take it to PM's if you must. 4) Dont dissapear suddenly for no reason, I understand real life things can happen but try to say something before you dissapear for a week, OK? 5) If you read this put 'Pink Fluffy Unicorns' In your CS somewhere 6) Keep it PG-13, adult things can go on in PM's 7) Obey All Rules! MOST IMPORTANT RULE!! -----> 8) Have Fun! =D If you have any problems, questions, or feel left out, mention something OOC or PM me!