[*]Name: Yoshida Akemi.[/*] [*]Age: 17[/*] [*]Appearance: [url=http://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=719201]Calm and composed.[/url][/*] [*]Arcana: Hierophant[/*] [*]Personality: A serious girl with little time for fooling around, Akemi believes in hard work and studying above all else. Having been raised by her parents with this mindset engraved in her mind, Akemi has gone on to become quite an unpopular student body president, who would even go as far as to berate any student she sees messing around in the school halls during break. To her, the idea of slacking off and ruining one's chance of becoming successful in life is utter lunacy. Due to her buzzkill nature and off-putting ideas, Akemi has made very few friends, if any, at school. Even outside of it, all she ever seems to do is study. Despite this, Akemi cares for the well-being of her fellow students, and is currently stressing over the idea that her replacement may not be up to par when she leaves. [*]Equipment/Skills: Academically, Akemi scores quite highly in most subjects, English being her only real weakness. She's also skilled at carving, oddly enough. As far as equipment goes, she only ever carries school supplies.[/*] [*]Background: Raised as a hard-working girl since childhood, Akemi has had very little time to socialise with others at school or outside, instead studying maniacally in order to become immensely successful in the future. One of her few ventures outside resulted in her meeting and 'befriending' an unfortunate girl, who is still with her today. Akemi was elected as student body president in her first year, and her no-nonsense attitude and devotion to rules and regulations has done little to make her approachable to most others. Maybe it's the stress finally getting to her, but now she's having weird dreams about blue rooms and creepy old guys...[/*] [*]Persona: [url=http://megamitensei.wikia.com/wiki/Hokuto_Seikun]Hokuto Seikun[/url].[/*] [*]Appearance: [url=http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd514/legendmana/5145.jpg]It's totally Hokuto[/url].[/*] [*]Abilities: Enemy Scan: Is able to detect the weakness of an enemy, if possible. Communication: Is able to send messages to one's mind. Literally one person, for the moment.[/*]