[B][U]The Greatest Battle is the Present one[/U][/B] Kira had been awake for some time now and was in what her human friends called a Gym. Born to the third House of the Celestial Dragon Ki'Hetz or War Leader Kira was from birth a Ki (Warrioress) and expected to always be ready for battle. To assure this goal not be neglected she was always pushing her body to it's limits which was to her also a form os prayer. Her form though human in appearance was Ko'Secti and still young a powerful instrument of war. She was presently pumping 200 kilos of Iron rapidly up an down in an effort to force her body to add more bulk to her six foot six inches of steel hard muscle. Any that would have observed her would marvel at the weight but the more observant noted that she did not sweat; her race had no sweat glands. The Ko'Secti instead vented heat from their skin without shedding water, this meant that at present her skin's surface temperature was hovering around 117 degrees. Finishing her reps as she'd heard the others call them Kira replaced the weights and prayed briefly to Sa'Lean goddess of war giving thanks for the tools she'd just used. Once her prayers were done Kira headed for the showers grinning as she went instead to the men's. She did this as a form of vicarious amusement for on her world she held no rank which would have allowed her access to the men's section. She flipped the water on cold to allow swift transfer of her body heat to it's normal 102 degrees because she'd found that higher body temps made her friends nervous. She stood beneath the cascade of water still in her under suit which could shed water so quickly that she was dry seconds after exiting. That was when she heard the assembly alarm and went into action. She exploded from the chilling spray of water sending a shimmering cloud of water droplets to fall in the wake of her passing. She did not bother with the stairs instead leaping up through their center and snatching the top rail as she neared an threw herself towards the door. She bothered not to quiet her steps as she thundered at top speed to the Garage where she burst through the final door and skidded to a stop before the Titan's Ki'Hetz Little Brother. Her body blushed with bluish green tiger stripes from head to toe as she realized she was not the first before him. [B]"I stand at the ready my Leader"[/B] she says almost quietly so her voice doesn't crack with excitement