Name: Yanagi Midori Age: 16 Appearance: [url=]"With your help, I'll make sure she loves me forever..."[/url] Arcana: The Devil Personality: Midori avoids most human contact, outside of her family members and a very, very narrow group of people, including the... object of her affections. She's not very outgoing, and doesn't handle many social situations very well. It's not entirely out of shyness, more out of a lack of associating with people. Midori enjoys drawing, being an excellent artist. She is also quite sweet, but... there is a darker side to her personality... Midori is deeply in love with another girl, Yoshida Akemi. However, her love is twisted. Midori has come to worry about Akemi constantly. Even if she seems calm, some part of her is worrying. She wants Akemi to love her back, desperately, and seeks any methods she can to do so. She hates seeing other people talking to Akemi. If they show romantic interest towards the girl, it's likely Akemi would become homicidal and extremely violent. Her desperation is driven by a fear that Akemi somehow will not notice, or be taken by another. In addition, she's desperate to protect Akemi as well. Any possible harm that may come to the object of her affections must be destroyed, regardless of what it is. Midori believes that, when she fights to protect Akemi, her love protects her from harm. She is extremely clingy in regards to Akemi, as well. She has little regard for human life, unless Akemi worries for it as well. And even then, if they attempt to harm Akemi or show romantic interest in her... The exception to this is children, as Midori does not want to hurt children and gets along very well with them. Equipment/Skills: Midori has a boxcutter and basic knowledge of how to use it as a weapon. She is also an excellent artist and has a pixiv account, where she goes by "ArtistMichan". It's mostly filled with fanart and occasional original work. Background: When Midori was younger, she lost her older sister, Keiko. Keiko died in a car accident. Midori was deeply attached to Keiko, and the accident hurt her extremely deeply. Combined with prexisting mental issues, this has at least partially lead to Midori's attitudes towards those she loves. Midori fell in love with Akemi shortly after meeting her for the first time, when the girl came to comfort her after the death of her sister. Midori's love grew, swelling further and further and growing more and more obsessive. She even draws the other girl rather frequently, though this art is not uploaded to her pixiv. Persona: Scarlet Babylon Appearance: [url=]The one with the massive drill arm thing.[/url] Abilities: Agi and Mudo