[center][img=http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y205/Mike1204/Blossom2_zpsedee4f9b.png] [b]Megaville, CT [/b][/center] [b]“You’re not Superman?!”[/b] The surprised but annoyed voice of Atomic Skull stammered as a burst of pink-red energy slammed into him—the force within the energy being that of Blossom Utonium. The teenager’s eyes were narrowed as she used her forearms to push the Superman villain back and into an open field outside of the city Megaville. Blossom wasn’t sure how insane this guy was as she had never tangled with him before, but she would not let him vaporize innocent people or cause a nuclear scenario. Where was Captain Atom or Superman when they were needed? [b]“You know this is [i]Megaville[/i], not [i]Metropolis[/i]—right?”[/b] “What?! I guess I took a wrong tur—[i]OOF![/i]” Atomic Skull’s voice was cut off as Blossom ran full force into him with a powerful punch. [b]“I might not be Kryptonian, but I hit just as hard, skull-face.” [/b] “So, you do.” Skull took his hand to straighten himself as Blossom charged him again which resulted in his other hand releasing a surge of green energy. Blossom’s eyes widened as she stopped mid-air and dodged—a split second from it hitting her. She wasn’t sure if radioactive energy had an effect on her or she was just as resistant as the Kryptonian superheroes. [i][b]“Crap!”[/b][/i] The red-haired girl cursed as she kept her distance for the time being. “That’s right! You better stay back, girl!” [b]“Skull, you do [i]not[/i] know who you are [i]threatening.[/i]”[/b] She retorted as she narrowed her eyes until bright energy escaped from it that Skull would find similar to heat vision and honestly it surprised him from a girl who was not Supergirl that he had never heard of and was toting very similar things. The energy caught him off guard but he still unleashed his own green radioactive energy from his hands to attempt to counteract it and that’s when it became a battle of strength. Skull was the first to give and was sent flying back some more. [b]“Lab. How do I contain this idiot?”[/b] Blossom asked over her com-link. Dexter’s voice came in seconds later, “I believe Superman resorts to punching him.” [b]“Superman punches [i]everything![/i]”[/b] “Indeed, but let’s see—I’m detecting a radioactive form of energy, so any freezing you do will be melted away by the heat of his energy. I am noticing high psionic readings, so if you can reflect one his bolts back at him, the feedback to his cerebellum may be sufficient to render him unconscious.” [b]“So I get to play baseball with radioactive energy… that sounds [i]safe.[/i]”[/b] “You could simply go for the Kryptonian approach and use a precise strike to—” [b]“—hit him in the head?”[/b] “I was going to say ‘disable his functions’, but yes.” [b]“Fine, okay.”[/b] Blossom sighed as Skull began to get back up, “You know I can hear you!” [b]“I don’t care, skull,”[/b] Blossom said as she channeled the same energy she shot out of her eyes in her palms. [b]“It’s bedtime.”[/b] “But it’s barely after lunc—[i]OOF![/i]”