"[i][b]Touchdown mother fuckers!![/i][/b]" The surface landing seemed slightly less thrilling than most, yet the New San Francisco citizen found a reason to embrace the unexpected. After all, he was a battle hardened Planetary Assaulter and after surviving through the barren campaigns throughout Auswerth VI and Oyglov-XIII, Harvin knew better than to under-estimate the unknown. Surprises awaited every drop and with every landing came new ordeals. Once they breached the surface, Harvin emerged from his pod and immediate dove out of sight and into the abandoned warehouse's cover as his instincts and experience dictated. Planetary Assault didn't fark around; they inserted with deadly precision, identified their objectives, and got the job done. Sometimes that involved unloading several million rounds in the most brutally efficient manner possible, but given their service record, the gnarly near FUBAR incidents, and the shit they faced, that's just how the PA's rolled. Harvin immediately drilled into his immediate routines and activate the REIDA AI in an attempt to sweep the area for hostile activity or vulnerable blind spots. Simultaneously, the New San Franciscan closely trailed behind his fellow companions' steps while his Hellkid remained motionless and draped across his back. Several switches and furious system activations later, Harvin maneuvered through the warehouse and setup alongside Sirius. He hadn't known the Tylon for very long, but knew he could anchor on the fighter's strengths to deliver the killing blows. The question now revolved around Harvin's ability to support the initial thrust and as such, Harvin tapped his helmet before voicing, "Okay, REIDA; do your stuff! I need you to activate perimeter and hostile motion sweepers. When possible, could you give an assessment of our options here? I need a run through for what to expect and if you see any movement or anything even [i]remotely[/i] resembling alarm systems?" "[i]Of course[/i], Harvin," a watery female voice purred, "Calibrating sweepers now. Identification confirmations are in now effect and I have the surrounding areas currently undergoing assessment ..."