Vaeros flipped through pages excitedly, ignoring the smoking, crisping corners that curled away from the heat of his fingers as his focus on suppressing his heat slipped away. [i]Could it be that this man holds the answers I seek?[/i] He thought, grinning as he read through the final pages, before sighing and tossing the tome aside upon reaching the end. "What did I ever do to librarians?" He wondered aloud, adding the book to the rest of the pile, all of which had been entertaining, but ultimately useless to him in terms of a solution to his problem. Like most other days, Vaeros had been searching for a means to return to his home. He feared that it had been lost to him lately. Soon, however, all thoughts of his own welfare disappeared as the tower alarms went off. He left his quarters in a hurry, only pausing to grab his falchion, which he had propped up against the doorframe, and tucked it into its sheath as he ran down to the garage. Seeing the others assembled, he grinned and concentrated on reducing his body heat, so that in the event of bumping into someone they weren't left with a painful burn. He liked his new teammates. There was no replacement for those he had lost, of course, but he enjoyed their company nonetheless. Each had qualities that were welcome additions to any group, although he felt that there were some challenges that they would ultimately be unprepared for due to a simple lack of appropriate abilities. [i]I think we could do with a healer...[/i] He thought, mentally going over what he knew about their abilities. He probably stood the best chance of filling that void, given what he already knew about treating wounds. One does not follow a bunch of injury-prone men and women without picking up on a few things. Like how to close a wound, or set a bone. Banishing these thoughts from his mind, Vaeros approached the group. He grinned and clasped his hands behind his back, waiting to learn of what the day had in store for all of them. "Please say it'll be a challenge. I've learned most of what I care to about how your people conduct their robberies. No challenge in blowing the tires of getaway vans or melting some footwear to the ground."