Mihai'en tensed up. [i] Such an odd choice of words. [/i] He thought. [i] 'What' not 'Who'. Does that mean he knows? He couldn't possibly know, could he? [/i] Then again, he was smelling him; maybe that gave away more than Mihai'en had ever wanted to let on. Still, he tried to bluff his way out of this. "M-Me? I'm no one, just a simple soldier that got lost from his retinue. I didn't mean to bother. I'll be going now." He started to walk away, but not before taking a good look at the rock again. [i] Poor chap. Probably didn't mean to do any harm; just doing his job. He had a name, and probably a family. [/i] He turned to look at the creature again. [i] What gave him the right to throw that man's life away? [/i] But, deciding that it wasn't his business, he simply turned around a started to walk away.