Sharee listened to the others' suggestions, all the while refining her own plan in her mind. Both of their arguments had merit, but neither really had thought of anything detailed yet. What Sharee had in mind certainly had its risks, but if it panned out how she hoped, it could make their first score considerably easier to take. "My job isn't to act on faith, and hope, and all that nonsense, my job is to come up with a plan good enough to keep you all alive, and to get us all paid. There are some decent fighters on this ship, but this crew does have its fair share of idiots, at least for now. We need more time for training before I will consider them near as competent as you say. Sarel does have one thing right, though, and that is that we don't have the manpower, or more importantly gold, to get involved with a supplier. Plus, they tend to have more local officials bribed. Taking what we want on the sea is our best bet, and to that end, I have an idea." Sharee responded. She turned towards Kahl and looked at him, sizing him up in her mind. "You, Kahl, you were a slave on that other ship. If you went back there, I'm guessing the captain would either whip you half to death, or just kill you outright. However, if you went back with a bit of a bribe, they might just change their tune. A bribe in the form of, let's say, a full crate of skooma would certainly smooth things over. A crate like that would be worth even more than the life of a slave. Now, if you happened to be on that ship when it left port, you would be in a good position to sabotage their water or ale or whatever with a nice, potent poison. If another ship were to attack when most of the crew was incapacitated or weakened, well, it would be much easier to take, wouldn't it? All we would need to do would be to...acquire a nice enough bribe to send with the cat."