The air seared around the metal man, the friction desperately pulling him back as if trying to stop him from doing something incredibly stupid like assassinate a Star Marshal in the middle of his own compound surrounded by his own handpicked complement of soldiers or dropping into said compound by holding on to an insertion pod. He could see the red streaks around him, desperately fighting against the KEMS, trying to burn him alive, trying to punish him for such foolhardy acts. But Alexis had since learned to ignore such things. The hurtling piece of metal landed at the drop zone with a dull thud, his armor red-hot from the fall. The pod popped open it's hatch and Jemini sprung out, berating Alexis as she had always done for his antics with her ever colorful use of chirps and whirrs. The metal man swatted her aside and reached inside the pod for his equipment, inserting the different barrels and ammo into compartments all along his body, modifying the MAS into its sniper variant. While he had done so, Jemini was already working on entering the enemy TACCOM, managing to catch the tail end of a message about Kolac and someone checking out the drop site. Probably Daryc. Bad. Then Dakka's pod came crashing down, the big man jumping soon after, gung-ho as always. When the REIDA AI started her scans Jem started to complain quite loudly, wondering why she was even there if they had some fancy schmancy AI there to do all the work she normally did. Alexis chuckled in amusement and fitted her with the 574 so that she might feel useful, clipping the extra pistol to his thigh. Alexis looked amusingly, at least as much as a faceless visor could, toward Sirius. As Pinocchio tightened the silencer on and slapped in a fresh ammo clip, he said, "there's no squad leader amongst Ephemeral, my No-Nostril Compatriot. I merely provide tactical suggestions on how to proceed with the mission. Speaking of which, this Lt. Daryc fellow, he'll be coming soon to check up on us, meaning we need to eliminate him. The best way that I can see is to go through this warehouse and catch him in a pincer movement. You and Cyborg exit through the north entrance and block his exit to the streets. Dakka and Jem can then go around toward the east entrance and trap him, while I provide sniper support from inside the building and jump in when necessary. It won't take long for Myatt to hear the noise and reposition, so we need to take down Knifeman fast. Anything to add?"