[Hider=Jason Szlesky] Name: Jason Szlesky Age: Twenty Gender: Male Race: Moroi Guardian: Element: Spirit Appearance:[img=http://www.gardenhillphotography.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/1blog-story(pp_w860_h573).jpg] Personality: Jace isn't an easy one to peg... To some he comes off as kind, somewhat shy, playful, if a bit sarcastic, but despite his shy demeanor he can turn on the charisma as easily as flicking a switch... He is a touch short tempered though he hides it behind a charm that is impossible to deny. Underneath all that charm though is the real Jace, and he always has a plan... always a use for those he spends his time with and he doesn't waste his time with many. He has carefully maintained that shy, sweet, playful cover and hardly anyone knows what he's hiding behind the mask... or why. Jace keeps his Spirit Use a secret by posing as a fire user and skipping classes whenever an actual definitive show of power is required. If anyone starts asking questions he compels them not to worry about it and this has kept the teachers off his back for quite some time. History: Jason is an only child with a Moroi mother and father who were hardly ever around. His parents were always busy doing something more important than taking care of their child, courtly duties etc... So, Jace was left to his own devices. At first he was a good child, very sweet when his father was around but very manipulative. He discovered that if he tried hard enough he could usually get whatever he wanted so long as it was things or money and not their time... His mother, on the other hand, had always been uneasy around him and he knew it... he used that to his advantage too, purposefully intimidating her whenever he needed to to get what he desired... He isn't used to taking no as an answer, not since he came into his powers, and he can be very persuasive. Still, there's a hole in him and only part of it is caused by his near constant use of Spirit. The hole is one he keeps trying to fill by manipulating those around him into caring about him and doing what he wants... He's never really had anyone care about him on their own, not even his father. Though the man tries to fake it, Jace is highly intelligent and can't help feeling like his father wouldn't even notice if he vanished off the face of the earth and when or if he did that he'd only be mildly disappointed. As for his mother, the woman would be relieved. Jace suffers from an innate mistrust of women, he finds them beautiful things to look at but not something to be trusted or relied upon... Maybe this has something to do with his Mother, but if so, he's not saying. Every girlfriend he has ever had he has dropped within days from boredom and he has never been overly intimate with anyone... If anyone were to see through his mask and see him for the lonely, empty person he is... he isn't sure what he would do... compel them to forget maybe? He doesn't want anyone seeing the scars in his soul or even coming close to learning about his past... For now he's happy with compelled friends and mass amounts of money... His only real friend is Rae. For some reason, the guy saw through his shy act from the very start and wasn't put off by his attitude afterwards... His brief time watching Sebastian Lazar, another Spirit user he'd been studying, with his friends had let him in on the workings of real friendship and real relationships. He'd grown envious of Anna in particular, she was so full of smiles and all of her friends would obviously do anything for her and truly cared about her. Because of this, he'd grown bitter and had attempted to ruin her relationships with them... However, this backfired and Gunner Marks had beaten him senseless when he'd discovered the truth. Their dedication to stick by Anna proved to him how alone he was and he began to feel guilt... He tried to make up for it later by healing Sebastian and compelling his girlfriend's father to leave the Dhampir girl alone. This earned him no real forgiveness but it did at least get the group to stop throwing him death glares... Now, Jace is the heir to a multi-million dollar company his father built in the 'human world' and for this reason he is being forced to take on a Guardian. After a long and rigorous search, his parents managed to find one of the top scoring Dhampir Guardians in the Country and convince her through promises of mass amounts of money NOT to join the Elites and instead Guard him.... Poor girl doesn't know what she's in for... or maybe Jace doesn't.[/hider] [hider=Shae Ozera] Name: Shae Ozera Age: Gender: Female Race: Moroi Element: Air Appearance:[IMG]http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o244/Aiesa/ShaeOzeraMoroi_zpsc2151858.jpg[/IMG] Guardian: Aleksander Belikov Personality: Distant at first, short-tempered about some things, stubborn as a rock, spirited when you get to know her, sarcastic, protective of those she feels are being taken advantage of, artistic, a bit of a loner, and she avoids politics in general. History: Shae was born to the disgraced line of the Ozeras, so why exactly is she being forced into an arranged marriage? Simple really... Disgraced or not, Shae is still a Royal and still a Princess and is one of very few still elligable. Add to this the fact that Shae's Guardian is of a well known line and was appointed by the Queen herself and that she is closely related to the King, Christian Ozera, and you have someone worth throwing at your son. Not that it's just Rae's mother... Shae's father is all for this match too. As Christian's Uncle he wanted a match of status for Shae, one that might help to relieve some of the blemish on the Ozera name. Shae hasn't had it easy, she's had to keep a great many secrets about herself including one big one that has kept her from ever really bothering to try and make friends. Still, now that she is older she understands how important this match is to her family... So, she is going to TRY to make this work. However, the secret she is keeping about herself could ruin everything...[/hider]