Name: Shiisthel of House Hss’tafi Age: 321 Gender: Male Race: Vrael olo Abomination Eyes: Silted black pupils Weight: 300Ibs Height (upper body): 6ft Random descriptors: [url=] Shiisthel[/url] is a Yuan-ti Malison who was faced with extensive experiments on his birth. His upper body resembles that of a human, with two arms, a head, and chest. But that is where the similarities end. Dark green to grey scales cover all of Shiisthel’s body with a cobra head, with darker green straps crossing horizontally over his back and coils. His lower body is that of a huge snake tail giving him an overall length of 17 feet. His coils are as thick as a tree trunks being around a foot and a half thick in diameter. Character Tier: Intermediate Character Type: Tournament Participant Physical Description: Shiisthel often wears a leather breastplate, the breastplate consists of a simple under-plate, onto which has been riveted several individually cut leather plates, all distinctively spaced and styled. The effect of this unique design is that the breastplate not only looks like an impressively styled work of art, but that it also has the layers necessary for impressive defense. The suit seems sleeveless, and beyond this, Shiisthel does not possess or require more clothing. Of further not however is a long Personality Description: Shiisthel possesses a complex personality, but more often than not, however, he was often described aloof and cold. Raised to be a warrior an Temple Guardian for House Hss’tafi, Shiisthel is a calculating individual who was tragically raised to show no fear or mercy. He grew up in a society where trust was never freely given, and to do so could cost you your life. Thus he lives even now in a state of seeming paranoia--always expecting some trick or treachery, even from established allies. Despite this, Shiisthel shows a clear view of respect to those he sees with great status and expresses excitement in testing his abilities against new opponents. Indeed it could be said Shiisthel lives for battle, going so far as to hold off on a finishing blow if it means continuing a contest of arms. This is perhaps his greatest strength and weakness, his love of testing the full abilities of his enemies. Shiisthel common tactic is to sneak upon a foe if able and quickly constrict them in a powerful grapple with his tail, or a lightning fast strike often with his venomous fangs. Skills, powers and abilities: Shiisthel has spent his long life mastering many sword fighting styles and close quarters combat. His size and unique physical capabilities have allowed him a unique fighting style Known as Way of the Serpent. In where attunes all his potent senses into the thrill of combat, allowing him a degree of awareness that far outstrips that of a common human warrior. Shiisthel has also trained to use his tail as an extra “hand.” It can grasp melee weapons and use them in combat, just as effectively as one might use their hands. As Shiisthel lacks legs, he has an easy advantage in sneaking up on foes as he can easily glide over almost any surface with ease and silence regardless of pace he chooses. Furthermore in terms of strength, it should come as no surprise that Shiisthel possess vast physical strength and stamina. As almost 60% of his body is almost pure muscles, and a simple strong tail whip has the force to knock a small van over. The crushing power of the serpentine limb is the near equivalent to that of car crusher. Able to constrict to almost 700 psi and impart more than 50 tons of crushing force into his tail on any unfortunate enough to be found captured within the powerful appendage. Shiisthel for his upper body resemble more the peak of a humans own physical strength. Snake Biology: As Shiisthel is a member of the serpentfolk, or Vrael olo , this grants him a number of natural abilities and biology contributed to his snake like physique. Among them as follows: Serpent Perception- Eyesight Shiisthel’s vision is quite sharp, his vision is easily adequate although not as sharp as humans, still allows them to track movements with natural ease. Shiisthel also possess a kind of binocular vision thanks to his snake heritage, with both eyes capable of focusing on the same point and seeing vast distances. He can focus this by moving the lens of his eyes back and forth in relation to the retina. Like snakes his eyes are covered by clear scales (the brille) rather than movable eyelids. These can darken to shield him from flashes of light. Smell Shiisthel much like snakes do can use smell to track his prey, using his forked tongues to collect airborne particles, and then passing them to his vomeronasal organ located at the roof of his mouth. The fork in the tongue gives Shiisthel a sort of directional sense of smell and taste simultaneously, allowing him to hunt down an enemy in the sense a blood hound does. Hence why he keep his tongue constantly darting in and out, sampling particles from the air, ground, and water, analyzing the chemicals found, and determining the presence of individuals in the local area. His tongue can also functions efficiently under water so the need arise. An added benefit of this sense is his ability to sense a foes emotions and gauge hostility which in turn allows them to predict if someone they see before is about to attack. Thus offering him a precious few seconds to react. Vibration sensitivity Shiisthel lower body being that of a snakes tail, and the softer under belly of it on the ground is very sensitive to vibration; thus, a he can sense others approaching by detecting even the most faint vibrations in the air and on the ground. Infrared sensitivity Much like pit vipers or even pythons-- Shiisthel possesses infrared-sensitive receptors in deep grooves on his snout, which allows him to at will "see" the radiated heat of warm-blooded creatures. Just like pit vipers the grooves are located between the nostril and the eye, in a large "pit" on each side of the head. Dragons Blood: Due to his breeding, Shiisthel egg was bathed in a mixture of black dragon blood and a seeping of magical crystalline liquid from the elemental plane of fire. This potent combination gave Shiisthel a passive resistance to burns and fire, but most importantly it also granted him the thick and powerful scales of a dragon. All over his forearms, up body, head, neck, and back are covered in these steel hard natural armored plates. Only his underbelly and lower chest (around his torso stomach), do not possess this natural armor. In all making him a formidable opponent to the unprepared, for though he may be a large and easy target, uncharged attacks by slashing or piercing weapons do little to no damage scale like armor. Though it should be noted that blunt weapons are highly effective, and he is even further weak to ice magic then a normal coldblooded creature would be. The White lotus: This ability is a natural magic granted to Shiisthel upon birth. With this power he can recover from most flesh wounds quickly by shedding, or Moulting, his skin. This is not to be confused with the more mundane manor in which snakes moult their skin. As this ability materialises a new body within his old one, typically by regurgitating it from his mouth--in a manner that somewhat resembles how a snake sheds its skin. This requires a number of charges depending on the severity of the wound (which depends on the charge of the attack). Aspect of the Dragon: Using this ability calls on the powers of the dragon that rests in Shiisthel’s blood. This grants him powerful wings that sprout from his back, which can extend 20 feet in length. Powerful muscles spasms then allow him to take flight when needed, and allow him to fly up to 50mph. This power also allows him to strengthen the toughness of his scales, allowing him to throw of attacks in scale to the amount of focus he has obtained. Beyond toughening these scales, Shiisthel can adjust their coloration to blend with his surroundings when not moving. Bite of the Cobra: This ability allows Shiisthel to use poison glands at the back of the head to generate and eject a caustic substance, either exhaling it in smog of smoke or delivering it via spite. The venom is modified saliva, and can also easily be delivered through his 10inch fangs. This poison is so potent that can cause blindness if contact is made with the eyes. Though it is but venom, the special substance can cause burns similar to corrosive acid on the skin after a period of time exposed to the open air. The burns are not immediate, and require one turn before they are felt; this can case massive tissue damage if left untreated. When injected by bite the proteins within these glands react like a mix of neurotoxins (which attack the nervous system), hemotoxins (which attack the circulatory system), cytotoxins, bungarotoxins and many other toxins that affect the body in different ways. The venom also contains hyaluronidase, an enzyme that ensures rapid diffusion of the venom. The victim will soon feel its effects first in agonizing pain, then their nervous system will slow shut down slowly while their circulatory system breaks down, causing their wounds to continue to bleed and damage to heart tissue. Often a second or third bite (or a well prepped bite) can spell death for most combatants of average constitution. Eyes of the Master: Shiisthel harbors a powerful ability many foes are never aware until it is far too late. If Shiisthel manages to maintain eye contact with an opponent for up to two rounds, Shiisthel can use his gaze attack to then slowly hypnotize them. Slowly their limbs will slow, their muscles begin to lock up, and a heavy feeling of sleep will fall upon them. By the third round the effects can surely be felt, and by a fourth round they begin to slow down dangerously, reducing an enemy’s reaction time to half their normal capacity. Once the fifth round comes in, and his enemy is still locked on his gaze, petrification sets in almost immediately. The best method of avoiding his hypnotic gaze is to simply avert one’s eyes form looking directly at Shiisthel, perhaps using his shadow to judge where he is or does. A task made all the more difficult if one is in the mildest of a battle with him, where to turn away could also mean death. Shiisthel is naturally aware and immune to his own paralyzing gaze. Slithering Snake: As is obvious, Shiisthel possess snake tail for a lower body rather than legs-- making tough or rocky terrain of no danger to him, while making it easier to sneak up on an enemy, nor is tripping him an easy task. His lower tail greatly increases his speed and agility, but only in short distances, allowing him a burst equal to that of zero to 80mph in the blink of an eye. His overall land speed over long distances is a sad 10 mph however, but makes up for his lower then ravage movement speed and large size with formidable natural defenses. Serpents Form: Shiisthel was long ago blessed by the Serpent god Sessth, thus allowing him to tap into a number of divine magic spells that come to him naturally. This gift allows Shiisthel to eject snakes from his wrist or arm, usually after a punching motion. The snakes are used primarily to attack from a distance and, being snakes, can inflict multiple poisonous wounds on the victim's body or hold them in place (this venom is a slightly weaker form of Shiisthel own brand). The snakes can also open their mouths to extend 2 foot blades from their mouths. This also means he can turn either arm into one large serpent, this version benefits from Shiisthel usual tough scales. This divine gift also grants him the ability to extend his limbs to abnormal lengths and to allow them to take on snake-like traits in battle. This ability to attack at unpredictable ranges allows Shiisthel a measure of defense or attack on those who fight at a distance. Furthermore the blood that is released by killing these snakes is poisonous, evaporating into the air and paralyzing anyone who has breathed it in for a prolong amount of time, something that makes long lasting fights against him a bad choice. Thanks to his serpent biology Shiisthel's heart is encased in a sac, called a pericardium, located at the bifurcation of the bronchi. The heart is able to move around, however, owing to the lack of a diaphragm. Character Equipment: Scourge of Fangs: Shiisthel primarily wields a great wave patterned scimitar like blade made of a unique glass like marital that is lighter then iron and stronger then steel called the Scourge of Fangs. Once more it handles extremely well, making it an all-around threat that possesses cutting power, speed, and impact, especially in the hands of a skilled used. The wavy curved edge, two handed grip, and overall size of this scimitar make it a lethal instrument, both against unarmoured and armored foes. Once more it was blessed by Sessth himself, allowing the weapon to transform its blade or lash into a viper at will with up to five snake heads. The vipers are extensions of the Shiisthel‘s will that hiss and writhe in response to his thoughts and emotions. The weapon deals damage normally, and in addition, at the wielder’s mental command, the serpents can attack as separate and independent creatures. They deliver the same Shiisthel’s finger movements, sword has been known to transform into a small snake and return to its owner. (tier: 5) Serpent Ring: Fashioned of plain brass and shaped to resemble an open-mouthed snake wrapped around its own tail to form a band, serpent rings are often used as pass tokens by serpentfolk, scalykind, and cultists of Tiamat, Set, and Sseth. (They are especially common in the Sauringar tribe of the yuan-ti.). The wearer of a serpent ring is immune to all serpent venom and gains a high resistance against poison or acid damage. Shiisthel wears the ring on his left hand at all times, usually to avoid the burning acidic effects of his own venom, or the poison releases from his slain snakes. Spell wards in temples dedicated to the previously mentioned deities are often keyed to allow passage by the bearer of such rings. Shiisthel own was gifted to him by the High Priest of Sessth, in his first years in guarding his assigned temple, a shrine to Sessth. (tier 3) Tail Scythe: Shiisthel possess a tail scythe which consists of a long, curved blade that is designed to be strapped to a serpentine tail. In fact, the weapon is usable only by creatures possessing such an appendage, since it does not have a handle that lends itself to a humanoid hand. The design of the tail scythe focuses tremendous force on the sharp point while still allowing devastating slashes with the blade edge. Because of a tail scythe’s shape, he can also use it to trip an opponent. The tail scythe was forged from the same martial as his blade, and is a weapon only the most elite of Temple Guardians can possess. (tier one) Character History: The offspring of a yuan-ti abomination and a marilith with fiendish blood, Shiisthel was born in in the serpent kingdom in the city of Hlondeth, though he isn’t related to its ruling Extaminos family. Shiisthel was instead born to the House Hss’tafi, a tribe of accomplished warriors and allies of House Extaminos. The moment Shiisthel hatched his life was already preordained. The elders had seen his potential early, and he would train under Hss’tafi strongest and most talented warriors and hunters. He impressed and rose quickly in the ranks--until he heard the will of Sessth in a dream one night. The Serpent God reveled that Shiisthel had been chosen by the ancient god to be his champion. It was then on he would begin developing his ‘gifts’, powerful divine forms of magic that quickly granted Shiisthel powers unseen among their kind in centuries. The elders of the tribes would place him on his way to train as a Temple Guardian, tasked with defending and protecting its priest from harm and the shrine from defilement. It would be a position where Shiisthel would be put to the test, for many were the enemies of Sessth in the newly conquered lands the temple had come to stand. Shiisthel would lead his own forces in wars against Scaless Ones and holy orders that stood in opposition to Sessth’s will. After nearly three centuries of battle and warfare Shiisthel has become quite the formidable warrior, but does Sessths will drive him onward. To win more battles in the name of his blood thirsty god.