Her smile relaxed the uneasiness he could still smell coming off of her, though not quite completely dissipating the emotion. Even so, Tel had to admit, to himself at least, that she had a rather nice smile. It softened her features. Following after MJ when she turned towards the house, he almost immediately wrinkled his nose with discomfort as the smell of bleach reached his nostrils, Intensifying tenfold when she pushed open the door and physically punching him in the nose. A low growl threatened to rumble out of his throat at the burning sensation, But he just managed to Stall the reaction before it could slip between his teeth and quickly rearranged his face into a more suitable expression as the young woman glanced back at him "Will do." He said with a nod, acknowledging her instructions and moving to the indicated spot where he was to place the boxes, Crouching down to relieve his arms of the heavy weight. As soon as she was out of sight, Telthris quickly ducked back outside, heading towards the trunk of her car, once again furtively glancing around.. Reassured by the empty windows, the young man reached in and picked up several boxes at once, easily exceeding the weight that he had lifted before and carrying the load into the house as if it weighed know more then if the containers had been stuffed with pillows. Listening for a moment at the foot of the stairs, he heard the stairs creak with MJ's return, and crouched down as if he had just placed a box onto the floor. He glanced up when she appeared at the foot of the staircase. "oh, I think I did leave you at least one.." He teased lightly, eyes sparkling with deep amusement. Straightening up, he once again headed back outside, not going quite as quickly this time.