[hider=Rae Costa]Name: Rae Costa Gender: Male Race: Moroi Age: 17 Guardian: Unknown Element: Fire Unique Abilities: Some basic fire attacks. Description: [img]http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3c4hhgc4l1r7x7zzo1_500.png[/img] Personality: Rae is a wild guy and very much a royal. He isn't always the nicest to though he deems below him, non-royals, dhampirs, humans. Of course, if you're royal or if he just takes interest in you, he can be quite charming. He's a bit of a hot head with a short fuse although, he tries to keep calm, emphasis on tries. Background: Rae has had a wonderful life. All his life, he's gotten what he wanted or needed. Waited on, hand and foot. Life was never rough for Rae. Although, due to this charmed existence, he is a bit of an ass. Due to never having to endure hardship, he doesn't really know what it is like. He looks down his nose on almost everyone. To him, your last name is a big deal. Despite his snobbery, he is quite popular and seems to attract the ladies. But what can he say? He does have rock hard abs, oh yeah. However, as he has grown older, his wild ways have lessened, although merely because Moroi women at his age have given up on lying about. Now he finds himself having to try and be an adult. After the passing of his father, to unfortunate circumstances, he is taking on the family business and grieving. As he is taking on these new responsibilities, he finds himself dealing with the first hardship in his life. He realizes despite his charm he doesn't know what he is doing and has little people to turn to. Besides the advisors his father left behind, a close family friends who he hardly knows, and a mother trying to shove a marriage down his throat, he has only Jace. He just hopes that while in the thick of it, his friend will be able to give him some guidance.[/hider] [hider=Rauri Brennan]Name: Rauri (Rori) Brennan Age: 19 Gender: Female Race: Dhampir Ward: Jason Szlesky Apperance: [img]http://kmodels.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Tp0S-RL65w01.jpg[/img] Personality: Rauri is a quiet person and isn't one for crowds. She isn't one to really speak her mind, when she does it is in an environment and with people whom she feels comfortable with. She is deeply caring of anyone around her, willing to throw herself in front of anyone who is in trouble. However, she also knows what is right in her job. She knows that her ward comes first before everyone, including herself. Biography: Born in Ireland, Rauri moved to America with her mother in her late teens, to escape their male Moroi infested commune. It was here that Rauri finished off her last year of school. Things in America seemed slightly easier, maybe it was the lack of Moroi trying to grab at her while at home or just the complete understanding of the work. She managed to finish at the top of her year and was about to accept her invitation to join the Elites when another offer came along. She thought about her options. If she were to join the Elites she could wind up with the Queen and her pack of Dhampirs, working for the school, or attempting to hunt down Strigoi. As thrilling as the last one sounded, none of them were really appealing. After all, all she saw was crowds, crowds, death. This... seemed like a plausible alternative.[/hider]