Character sheet appearence: name: Hephaestus 'The Scourge' Decimator age: 32 gender: Male nationality:(optional) Roman weapons: (pic or description) 1 spiked nine-tailed whip with hooks on each end, and a gauntlet with retractable spikes work outside being a gladiator: (what else do you do): Prison guard Bio: Heph was born to a noble family of Roman soldiers, all known for their ruthlessness in battle one way or another. Hephaestus grew up and became a man, old enough to enlist in the army. Much to his disappointment, he wasn't sent to the front lines of the Empire: rather, he oversaw the transportation of slaves from the battlefield to the gladiator pit. He was eventually imprisoned and thrown in the pit himself for ruthlessness to prisoners (30% of his cargo made it), but he still kept the nine-tailed whip he used from his service as an overseer and fought savagely and fiercely. He was eventually given the chance to be freed, but he refused and continues fighting. Pets(optional): A menacing, drooling dog called Salvum (Latin: to rip) Extra: his signature move before finishing an opponent is slapping them across the face.