"We hire people with strength," Benny responded, "The ones with brains usually get snuffed out pretty quick, ain't got no room for any ambitious fucks, those pictures you shows me we do it like that but we got more style. Those cuts ain't deep enough, I personally put the knife in one end of the neck connect with the spine and pivot off of it just so that," Benny's sentence was cut off by a metal coated fist knocking the side of his face, "You sick fuck, is that what happened to the pawn shop girl!? The old man in the fuckin alley!? Huh!?" "Those," Benny said between spits of blood, "Were minor infractions, I've done worse, like I was saying my family hires brawn not brains, got some issues with those fuckin Gambettis, a few issues with the Greeks and Russians." Reverb grimaced and took a few steps back trying to calm himself down, he knew the girl from the Pawnshop and had actually taken a few things there to sell. She was cute, her name was Julia or Jane or something, he only met her a few times but she was a nice person and didn't deserve what she got. Reverb drove his elbow into the a metal shelf and dented it.