Daryc had not was not phased at the prospect of investigating the strange noise; he had spent far too long at his post. Standing watch over an empty compound in a dead city on an barren world? Not his idea of a dream job, but whatever paid the wages was fair game for him. He found Kolac to be a boring man, too obsessed with melodramatic and stereotypical things: power, wealth, saving his own skin... But Kolac's guest, the tall looking thing? That one exuded fear and authority in a way that Kolac never could? That, Daryc new, was the real power behind the 'unification of Starfall'. It was only a thirty second walk from his post to the investigation area, and it did not take long for the lieutenant to discover the source of the disturbance. A drop pod. Not just one, but four. They of strange design, something he had never seen before and he had been all over the Darkspire quadrant, the galactic centre for black market trades and hardware dealerships. This was void of all serial numbers and makers marks, desolate, beautiful... bad news. Very bad news. "Uh, Lt Myatt," He whispered into his communication device, lowering the register of his voice to little more than a gruff mumble. "There is something here," The marksman immediately snapped to attention. He had been lazily scanning the area with his scope for the last minute or so, but with a single message from his group, he became professional once more. His posture was perfect, his eyes keen and bloodthirsty. He whispered in reply: "What is something?" as he fell to a prone position, looking over the warehouse and the road. "Insertion pods." came the reply. "I'm going to take a closer look. I think someone is here. Cover me, and don't let Kolac know, not yet." And with that, Daryc cut the line of communication to the marksman, relying only on his colleague's skill with a rifle as he withdrew his own armaments: curved blades, thinner than hair and sharper than refined diamond. If somebody was present and intending to kill, he would make sure that they would be spared the journey home. He crept cautiously toward the pods, being careful to pay attention to his surroundings... ...after all, he didn't want to be caught off guard...