Rocket smirked as the reporter fumbled for words. "Ungrateful, that's what you are. Instead of complaining about what happened, acknowledge the fact that we saved you and everyone you care about." The reporter looked back and forth between the members of the group, her eyes meeting deadly stares each time. Unfortunately, she had time to recover and continue her argument. "So you think that one good deed makes up for all your crimes?" "One good deed? Are you kidding me right now?" Rockets voice was raising as his frustration began to build. They had all risked their lives; Groot had almost died to save the group, Quill had caught the Infinity Stone with his bare hands to stop Ronan. "You listen to me, you-" But the reporter continued with her rant, speaking over Rocket. "Drax 'the Destroyer': 22 counts of murder, 5 counts of GBH." She paused for a short moment before continuing on. "Rocket: 13 counts of theft, 23 counts of escaping incarceration, 7 counts of mercenary activity, and 15 counts of arson. Along with being the result of illegal experimentation." She glanced up from the paper she was reading from, eying Rocket who was now snarling at her. She continued,"Groot: 3 counts of GBH." "I am Groot." Groot leaned towards Rocket as he spoke, then glanced around looking slightly proud. "What do you mean you have less than me? What the hell does that change?" The reporter continued, "Gamora: Aiding and abetting Ronan the Accuser, including in crimes against the Xanderian government. Finally, we have you Peter Quill. 1 count of fraud, 2 counts of assault/ drunkenness, and 1 count of a... Sex crime: Illegal manipulation of Gramosian Duchess. And these are only the ones you have been caught doing. One good deed does not excuse a lifetime of bad ones."