Up. Down. Up. Down. Sweat rolled off of heavy muscles, as Rahn'Niss pushed himself up repeatedly, rhythmically. Though one hand was behind his back, he preformed the excersize with the same ease as a normal man doing it two handed. When the reps were completed, he stood to attention, moving to the next excersize like clockwork. The Atlantean hoisted himself up on the pull-up bar, and began to pull himself up, until the bar shattered, unceremoniously dumping him on the floor. Rahn'Niss growled, frustrated by the simple obstacle. He attempted to stand, only to find himself weighed down. Two weights had attatched to his hands, and were heavy enough to keep him pinned. Struggling with all of his might, he finally raised one hand, the dumbbell rolling away slowly. As he moved to free the other arm, the ground itself opened beneath him, swallowing him whole. Nothing could be seen- the surroundings were now naught but murky water, polluted heavily enough to block light. Chains wound themselves around Rahn'Niss' body, leaving him there helpless. Though natural water was breathable to the Atlanteans, this was no natural water. Polluted with a dark magic, it choked Rhan, tearing away at his insides wherever it could. In this moment of helplessness, Rahn's mind wandered. Now there were only thoughts of his previous failures in life- things he could've done better, foes he should've beaten. Each memory ended in only shame, and disappointment. Then he woke up. Flashing lights and blaring alarms shook the sleep off of him instantly, as he jerked into a straight sitting position. A cold sweat was on his brow, but his massive hand quickly swept it away. Weakness. That could not be tolerated in battle, not while there was life and death on the line. It took mere moments for him to suit up, his whale bone armor clanking as he shuffled. He felt like he had been taking too long, but ended up taking less than a minute. He paused a moment, before clicking his divers helmet into place. Though Rahn could stay on the surface for quite awhile without I'll effect, his suit allowed him prolonged exposure, as well as enhancing his abilities. Though not running, Rahn walked briskly to the garage, his anchor trailing a bit behind him. He arrived, a bit sad that he was far behind the others. He took heavy breaths, his shoulders rising and falling. Looking around at the others who had gathered, his red LED eye flashed to life. Chain glowing, the anchor slowly pulled itself to Rahn'Niss, until he grabbed it, and violently hefted it over his shoulder. "I stand at the ready." He said simply, his voice strong and commanding.