[center][img=https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ18nlmdafwEmQ-p_wBvuMhBFhFTl5rQBncTp5jAtq7NEqwUZic][/center] [b]Full Name[/b]: Leon Bean [b]Alias/Assassin name[/b]: Zentrum [b]Age[/b]: 17 [b]personality[/b]: Clean, Organized, Calm, Polite, Merciless. Oh, and he's a [i][b][u]Huge[/i][/b][/u] Perfectionist. [b]Skills[/b]: Leon is very agile, and can out run most people. Proficiency in parkour. Moderately skilled in hand-to-hand. [b]Weapons[/b]: A Seemingly Endless supply of custom throwing knives, and a few throwing daggers. [hider=Throwing Knives][img=http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NjQwWDY0MA==/z/V1QAAOxypthRtfsV/$(KGrHqJHJBQFEzMj8-YcBRtfsVH4ug~~60_35.JPG][/hider] [hider=Throwable Dagger][img=http://www.medievalcollectibles.com/images/Product/large/MC-CK-094.png][/hider] [b]Powers[/b]: Leon as the power to stick to any surface he touches. (Ex. Running along/up walls, Stand upside down from the ceiling, Wall jumps, laying on the wall...) [b]background[/b]: When Leon was young he lived in a quaint little town just on the outskirts of Germany. The town, being in the middle of nowhere, wasn't very populated. Living in this town was hard on both Leon and his parents. With such little people in this tiny town, the unemployment rate was through the roof. This put loads of stress on Leon's mother and father as they struggled to keep a house over Leon's head. Tensions were high and temperaments were even more so, especially between Leon's father and mother. Most days their yelling echoed long through the night, always fighting about how their going to come up with the money, or how they're going to give Leon a better life. During one of their yelling fits, Leon heard a loud crash that nearly rattled their small, shack-like house. Leon, scared and confused, ran out of his bedroom with a look of concern, only to be confronted with horror. His mother and fathers fight had gone to far that night, which lead to the death of his father. His mother stood in a blood stained housecoat, the knife in her hand dripped the blood of her spouse. Leon, frightened and now angry, wanted his mother gone. With that single thought in his mind, he reached for the closest item, his dad's tool box. His thin muscle tone and weak muscles collapsed under the weight of the metal box. Instead opening it up and grabbing a screwdriver that was conveniently placed in the box. Leon's mother must have realized what her raging son was doing and acted to subdue him. She lunged at her son with intent to kill. Leon didn't hesitate to stop her. He threw the screwdriver with all his strength at her, yelling the words,"Get away!" The screw driver impaled his mother's eye, leaving nothing but a plastic handle sticking out of her wrinkly face. Leon knew he could no longer stay in this town for police would be at his door in the morning like they always are after his parents fight. For the next 3 years, he was travelling from city to city, sometimes even country, looking for a place to settle down. All while killing anybody who stood in his way, killing them with a projectile through the eye. After all his travels, Leon ultimately ended up at the school of Assassins where he can settled down and hone his abilities. [b]Allies[/b]: None yet. [b]Family[/b]: Mother and Father (Both deceased) [b]Other[/b]: His biggest pet-peeve is when people are better than him. Every time he misses his target, he experiences a mental break down.