"You are quite right. One good deed doesn't erase a lifetime of bad ones, but saving billions of lives and risking your own earns you the gratitude of an entire planet and a second chance." Peter puts a hand to his right ear. "I would love to stay and debate with a shrill old 'lady' such as yourself but we have a job to do." He stops paying attention for a second. "Yes. I'll be more than happy to tell her." Peter stands up. "Your show has been cancelled. Something about you causing a riot outside of this broadcast station." Peter brought up news footage from a rival network. "That prison riot never had that many people rioting nor nearly as violently." A rival reporter was gleefully explaining the Xandarians reasons for being so violently. "I am no medical professional but the riot you seemed to have caused seems to have injured several security guards." The news footage shows another security guard being violently attacked and crumpling to the ground. "That one I don't think will ever use his arms nor legs. Also the Nova Corps should be here shortly to take you into protective custody. Nova Denarian Rhomann Dey says you should expect the least comfortable placement." The reporter started screaming about how they ruined her life. By this point the show was no longer being broadcasted live but reruns of a hit Xandarian sitcom were being aired instead. Peter knocked her unconscious. "Damn that felt good. Anyway as for our next job the Xandarians have asked us to look into and stop what they seem to believe are indications that the Skrulls are looking to start another war with the Kree. Xandar barely survived the last one with the vast majority of the Nova Corps killed or severely injured they don't stand a chance. Aggressive negotiations are off the table unless absolutely beyond all shadow of a doubt the only option we have. Since this is the Skrulls and the Kree we are talking about, we should probably bring the biggest guns possible just in case. Rocket I'll leave you in charge of procurring the necessary ordinance while Drax and Gamorra will get the knives and swords to their liking. Denarian Rhomann Dey says he has something for me I'll meet you at the Milano." Peter puts his headphones on and exits stage left.