[center][img]http://i61.tinypic.com/1hqfcl.png[/img][/center] Staring incredulously at what she could only call super-humans, Styx started walking as slowly and carefully as possible towards the largest, most ornate building she could see. Thankfully, it actually happened to be the museum. Unfortunately, after a series of ducks, dives, crawls, and bounds, she could see from overhead that the front of the Museum was something of a no live zone. There were a few ridiculous looking humans in various levels of costume fighting off, no, absolutely crushing a swarm of large demons at the front parking lot. Between the incredibly bright street lights and spreading fire, which made it exceedingly difficult to shift her way through the shadows, there was no safe way in. This building held some significance to them. Which also meant that certainly, inside these hallow vaulted halls there was something of value to be stolen. Joleson even mentioned there was a “gift section”, where they held books. Tomes of great significance and very interesting sections on Largothian physiology, she hoped. This meant nothing until she could get inside however and that was certainly an issue. There were at least eight of these heroes running or flying about and they weren't going to let anything in with horns. During this internal monologue, Styx had unfortunately failed to notice that Sorgath, with his four arms and seven foot height, had leapt his way behind her. Grabbing Styx by the half collar of her robe, Sorgath lifted her with three arms off the ground. He used his fourth to point a curved blade into the grimacing whelps chin. “SORGATH HAS CAUGHT YOU, COWARD!” Sorgath shouted, mouth flinging spittle into Styxs' face. “SORGATH FEED YOU TO DOGS!” he continued eloquently, lifting Styx over his head, prepared to throw her into the metahuman swarm. Styx was chucked like a rock towards the Museums front entrance, crashing onto freshly paved concrete and rolling painfully several feet. Given the chaos of bellowing fire and superpowered lightning blasts no one noticed her, except for Sorgath who had jumped in after her to finish the job. As Sorgath stomped towards Styx, who scrambled to her feet, he slammed his remaining sword into a nearby car. The blade easily cut through and sent off a screeching alarm. He crouched down, preparing to run at the shocked girl on all fours, when suddenly the car was flung into him by the muscled legs of a metahuman in a Luchador costume. “Get outta my town you freak!” he shouted, thankfully not noticing Styx. Her size was something of a benefit here, most of the heroes didn't catch a glance of her and were too busy fighting larger things to even bother, like elephant sized wolves. Using this, she ran to the Museums walls as fast as she could, looking frantically left and right for anyone who might want her head. Upon reaching the wall, she smashed through the closest window. Sliced by glass on impact and even further on landing, Styx gave a light, short shriek. Almost in response, the Museums alarms shrieked, whistled, and bellowed. [i]I'm not going to be able to pull the glass out before I die, am I...[/i]. She groaned, shifting to shadows a short distance away from the natural one cast from the window sill. She propped herself behind a display case showcasing what looked like a costume spattered with the colors of the American flag, with something about Lady Liberty and how she had secured the freedom of the free world or some other nonsense about the tyranny of some crazed scientist. The glass would get pushed out eventually by her natural healing factor, she just needed to wait it out. Or wait for death. Either way, it would end the pain.