@zendric 1: Ergo prefacing likely. Point granted anyway. 2: if they were struggling for the firearm, that is point blank range. Ignoring everything else, you're telling me six shots at point blank including two guaranteed kill shots to the head would leave behind no residue? And that two of those panic fire shots are head shots? And there's no fingerprints from Brown on the firearm last I checked? 3: Is that how cops operate in the states? Frightening. Here in Canada they are trained to use nonlethal where possible, even with firearms, because we want our criminals alive to face a court of law. Mainly to avoid shit like this. Guess I still have a lot to learn about the united states. @MDK: yup. Generally speaking someone shot four times will be reduced to a blithering blubbery mass of blood and shock. Especially since the person in question is a civilian with no notable physical achievements on record.