[center][i]This is my first role-play on the new guild after a two(ish) year hiatus. Super excited to be back! Also, you are welcome to call me Lume instead of Luminance.[/i][/center] [center]— — — [b]~Now closed for applicants, sorry, but positions filled up pretty fast~[/b] Looking for 3-4 players, I am looking for original characters and magic! Be imaginative! — — —[/center] [u][b]The Plot (so far…^.^’)[/b][/u] 200(ish) years in the future. The new Magic Council has taken control of all legal guilds and have recruited all of the S classified mages into their ranks, never to be seen again. Guilds are ruled with an iron fist and nothing goes on without the magic councils knowledge. Council members visit guilds weekly to make sure things are running smoothly and if things aren’t, then the guild master is placed under review. All requests/missions must be council approved. Mages and all magic users must be registered and ranked, refusal results in punishment. Dark Guilds and Rogue Mages have been eradicated by the Magic Council’s Elite Squad of Rune Knights. No prisoners are ever taken. The Magic Council is now a feared name. It is no longer like what it use to be, no sacrifice is too big or inhumane. Dark and dangerous things are happening in the very heart of the council, all of which are kept under heavy wraps. Will there be any mages brave or strong enough to get to the bottom of everything? Our characters will be the few mages who were wise enough to keep their true/real magic a secret and use a cover magic. A magic which isn’t considered to be strong or threatening towards the Magic Council. [b]HELP WANTED!! You can show your enthusiasm and interest by helping me with the plot.[/b] [hider=Boring rules of boringness] 1. This role-play is between HIGH CASUAL and LOW ADVANCED, meaning acceptable spelling and grammar is expected as well as CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. 2. NO ONE LINERS. Have at least 2-3 paragraphs. 3. NO SPEED POSTING. Wait at least 2 posts before posting. 4. Yes, be imaginative, but please still be rational. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Also no ‘god modding.’ 5. Please try to post at least 2-3 times a week. 6. I love romantic relations, but please for the good of the little kiddies eyes, fade to black, or pm, if things get heated! 7. Swearing is allowed if it suits your characters personality. Just don’t go overboard. 8. 1 character per person unless it’s an NPC. 9. Be nice to your fellow players or I will send you to the naughty corner which is all the way out of this role-play. 10. Ahhhh! This is boring me to sleep! So to finish, tell me the answer to life, the universe and everything in the Extra section of your CS. Or I will not accept your CS.[/hider] [hider=CHARACTER SHEET] [b]Appearance:[/b] (Image and/or description plus guild mark location and colour.) [b]Quote:[/b] (Be relevant for your character. Be in “quote marks” and [i]italics[/i]) … [b]Name:[/b] … / / / [b]Age:[/b] (18+)… [b]Height:[/b] … / / / [b]Weight:[/b] … [b]Likes:[/b] … / / / [b]Dislikes:[/b] … [b]Personality:[/b] … [b]Cover Magic:[/b] (You don’t need to be original here)… [b]Description:[/b] … [b]Real Magic:[/b] (I would like it to be creative and unique)… [b]Detailed description:[/b] (Include Strengths and Weaknesses.) [b]Extra:[/b] (Anything you want to add?) … [b](I am not asking for a character history because I would like them revealed as the role-play progresses.)[/b][/hider] [center][b]!!VERY IMPORTANT!![/b][/center] I am looking for [u]interest only[/u] in this thread so please don’t post CS’ here. (PM me if you want.) If enough people are interested then I will create a thread in the Character Sheet section of Roleplayer Guilds Off Topic category. Here is the link right here --> [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/54886/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1681847]link[/url]