The weekend of reckoning is fast approaching. Friday I'll be getting up at an ungodly hour and then driving 11 hours, stopping at a hotel. It's unlikely I'll be able to make any posts then. Saturday and Sunday I'm back at school and the schedule is already crazy before classes have even started. Move-in, two gigs, two studio classes and hardcore practicing for ensemble auditions on Monday is the name of the game, so getting on RPG/pad/Yuku is unlikely except late at night. And, tomorrow is likely also busy since that's hardcore packing day, and today isn't a cakewalk either. So, until next break my days of chillin' on the pad all day are over. Late nights only will be the norm. Luckily we're moving pretty slowly at the moment so I shouldn't miss 8 million posts every day. And speaking of posts, now that Lilleh has posted I'll do my best to squeeze in a Carmen post today. Also, let's let NK draw what he wants? He'll get to everyone's characters when he wants to.