Name: Oarden Tiaold Age: 32 Race: human Appearance: he is slightly above average height, and is slightly overweight. He has deep brown eyes and no hair. He is cleanly shaven. Bio: born into a family that pledged an alliance to Nicosa. His farther always wanted him to grow up a religious man, but Oarden was never able to make his farther happy. Instead he left his home village at the age of 16 and moved to Gig harbour, where he was able to become a fairly wealthy man. Unfortunately, his addiction to gambling prevented him from ever becoming as rich as he could have been. Personality: he is jolly, and mostly optimistic. He is a great negotiator and is very sociable. Unfortunately his better judgment can often be overcome with obsessive greed. Faction: Gig harbour Gift: although he doesn't know it - Dardrar Weapon(s) of choice: although he doesn't use it often, he always carries a small dagger for self defence. If he needed to arm himself, he would use a small, yet heavy mace. Relationship/loved ones?: he has lost touch with his family, but becomes friends with most people he meets Other: he always likes to think himself of being morally good and likes to help people when possible, but his tendency to be overrun with greed can often make him turn to evil and villainy. ((I'm not sure if this is good enough, but I can clean it up and improve it if necessary.))