[quote=Driving Park] Also, let's let NK draw what he wants? He'll get to everyone's characters when he wants to. [/quote] Arts is hard. Unless NK doesn't have a problem with it, try to hang back on asking him for requests guys. I know we all want our characters drawn but... people have lives. And I'm not trying to be mean or make a big deal out of this. But... yeah. Also guys, I'm sort of in the same boat as DP. Though, my excuses are less... viable. But yeah. Right now, I'm about to go to the gym with my suitemate because I'm nice and it sucks going to the gym alone. BUT. I have a lot of free time during the middle of the day. That just means that the odds of me being on the pad a lot are going down. Because by the time I can get on the pad for an extended period of time, it's getting close to 11 and I have to go to bed because 8AM CLASSES. -dies- -comes back to life- But yeah. I'll get on the pad but, expect me to be using the thread a lot more to communicate just because it's easier for me. Edit: Also, NK, you has lots of good arts. I approve.