Well, I am currently RPing a cleric and 5 minutes into the RP decided to rape a party member and is about to go through with it in my next IC post. So that is alright. Hmm, there was a Sith I RPed who would capture and link you mentally with a loved one. Bascailly any physical pain you recieved they felt in your place so that was pretty fun to stab someone and then watch them as they screamed in horror at the pain their loved on recived. Things got serious when the real torture began, using sith alchemy to keep the person alive so that their loved one could feel the pain of death over and over without ever actually dieing. Then the question became at what point of near death was the most painful and of course that required experimentation, a lot of experimentation. Pretty soon it reached the point where a person would watch their loved one be flayed open knowing that they would feel that very pain and the person on the table knows they are being flayed open and can feel every slice but never recieve the pain as a result instead knowing the person they love has to watch them and recieve the pain of the minstrations of my character. That went on for awhile as different things were done like applying electrical currents directly to the heart to see if the pain could cause heart defects to arise as the brain believed it was recieving electrical jolts. Also broken bones were fun since the brain says it is broken when it is not so it is tough to ever walk again because you know your legs are fine but as far as your brain can comprehend from the signals it is recieving both of them have been shattered into a thousand fragments with needles of bone shredding your muscles.