This won't be used for a little while, but I'll post it here anyway. --- [center][b]Kaeru[/b][/center] [center][img=][/center] - Age: 13 - Grade: 8 - Summon Course: Special Summon - Record: 0 Duels / 0 Wins - Best Field: Sword’s Graveyard Kaeru is new at LDS, having recently moved to Miami City. He tends to move from place to place due to a form of Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD). This is most evident while Dueling, and he must take special medication to keep his more violent side subdued. Otherwise, he has a kindhearted personality and a rather shy personality. One characteristic shared by Kaeru’s personalities is a love of masks. He always carries a collection around that he likes to wear, some extravagant, some vile, and others dull. Typically, the masks he wears resemble his emotions at that time, making him a rather easy person to read. Kaeru also wears his Duel Disk continually, no matter what situation he is in. He claims it covers up a rather embarrassing birthmark. Luckily, his Duel Disk is waterproof. [hider=Deck: Mask of Terror] Normal Monsters: 2 [url=]Grand Tiki Elder[/url] [url=]Melchid the Four-Face Beast[/url] Effect Monsters: 19 [url=]Evilswarm Golem[/url] [url=]Goblin Zombie[/url] [url=]Illusory Snatcher[/url] [url=]Interplanetarypurplythorny Dragon[/url] [url=]Lava Golem[/url] [url=]Lightning Punisher[/url] [url=]Maju Garzett[/url] [url=]Mask of Darkness[/url] [url=]Masked Beast Des Gardius[/url] [url=]Mystic Tomato[/url] *3 [url=]Necroface[/url] [url=]Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon[/url] [url=]The Fiend Megacyber[/url] [url=]Umbral Soul[/url] [url=]Zombie Master[/url] *3 Spell Cards: 12 [url=]Mask Change Second[/url] [url=]Mask of Dispell[/url] [url=]Mask of the Accursed[/url] *2 [url=]Soul Release[/url] [url=]Terraforming[/url] *2 [url=]The Mask of Remnants[/url] [url=]Tribute Doll[/url] [url=]Zombie World[/url] *3 Trap Cards: 8 [url=]Call of the Haunted[/url] *3 [url=]Mask of Weakness[/url] *2 [url=]Phantom Knights Shadow Veil[/url] *2 [url=]Tutan Mask[/url] - - - Fusion Monsters: 1 [url=]Masked HERO Dark Law[/url] [/hider]