[center][b]Premise[/b][/center] You were scouted by Amenity (AM) Entertainment, one of the largest record labels across the globe. For the first time, they're going to market a coed group. As a trainee, you've been worked to the bone and forced to make friends with complete strangers... or more accurately, future group members. Staying in a cramped dorm isn't fun. Singing, acting, and dancing classes have prepared you for debut. In the cut-throat world of entertainment, will you be a flourishing success, or make friends, perhaps even enemies with the wrong people? [b]Note:[/b] You may notice this is similar to my older thread "Welcome to the Record Label (KPOP-Esque)." I'm planning on deleting that because the character guidelines were too vague. There were too many possibilities and it was spreading the RP thin. This RP will deal with one group, and each participant can only act out one role. ------ [center][b]RP Information[/b][/center] As a member of this RP, you can choose to be a group member, or manager. I want to keep the group under nine members. Seeing as this starts off in the “trainee phase,” I’d like to role play the characters during, and outside practices. Once people have shown an interest in this idea, we can brainstorm a group name and musical genre. What sort of image will they have? Also, the plot/theme of this RP will revolve around the group's efforts to become famous. Please share your thoughts and feel free to share ideas if you’d like to join. I’m new to the site, so constructive criticism is very welcome! [hider=Rules/courtesy] [center][b]-It's likely this page will be updated in the future, so periodically check for edits/updates-[/b][/center] [list] [*]Please keep in mind multiple people may join this RP. Give everyone a chance to post once it starts. It's no fun being left in the dust. If you feel you've had to wait around, please leave a comment in the OOC (to allow discussion), or PM me. We can decide what to do if someone isn't responding. In that event, I'll probably, nine times out of ten, allow you to post. Do not make five posts in a row without giving me, or any future mods a reasonable explanation. [/*] [*]This is a casual RP. I'm lax about post length, so don't stress over them. Just don't write two sentences. Use dialogue tags.[/*] [*]Members cannot role play more than one character.[/*] [*]God modding is not allowed. This is a true to life RP.[/*] [/list] [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet Application] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Stage Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] If you have a picture post it above everything else. I'd rather stick with cartoon/anime pics if you use one. [b]Position:[/b] Main Vocal, lead Dancer, etc. [b]Personality:[/b] [b]History:[/b] [b]Strengths:[/b] (optional) [b]Weaknesses:[/b] (optional) [b]Other/Hobbies:[/b] (optional) Wacky or cool facts ------ [b]Group positions:[/b] [list] [*]Vocalist (main/lead/no title) -Main vocalist position is no longer available-[/*] [*]Dancer (main/lead/no title) -Lead dancer position is no longer available-[/*] [*]Rapper (main/lead/no title) -Main rapper position is no longer available-[/*] [*]Visual (male/female) -Female visual position is no longer available-[/*] [/list] [b]Note:[/b] Main is a title given to someone when they are either the best at what they do or do it most frequently. A main dancer might have solo parts while the lead dancer guides everyone else in a background dance. Leads are typically the next best in terms of talent. The same thing applies to vocal or rap parts. Both positions are Crucial [center][b]-Please run all character submissions by me!-[/b][/center] [/hider] ------ [center][b]Approved Characters[/b][/center] [hider=Jae-Hwa - by ChirpingChip] [b]Birth Name:[/b] Nahm Jae-Hwa [b]Stage name:[/b] Pending [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Position:[/b] leader, main female vocalist, lead dancer [b]Appearance:[/b] Jae-Hwa stands around 5'5," and has a slender frame. Medium length, light brown hair frames her pale, oval-shaped, face. It's wavy, and curls up at the tips. She has big honey-brown eyes and lines them with brown-gold eyeliner. People say she has a bright smile. All of her outfits are color coordinated, usually following tetrad schemes. Accessories and small details are important. [b]Personality:[/b] She's a charismatic individual and excellent speaker. Around media officials, she can stay composed. As the leader of the group, she does her best to keep the other members' morale up. Unfortunately, she has a tendency to be blunt, making her the cause for low morale at times. Art is important to her, and she is very particular about the group's costume sets. She would like to become a music video director, so the group's image is one of her main interests. Due to this, she loves to watch movies and drag members to the cinema with her. [b]History[/b] Six years ago, she tried out at one of Amenity Entertainment's open auditions and was recruited a year later. She was one of the first members to be welcomed to the company, and as such had more experience interacting with older staff members than people her own age. She was used to direct criticism, so when the group was first formed, three years ago, she had no qualm giving people constructive feedback. However, for members that had not been part of the company as long, the wording seemed harsh. This caused a lot of conflict between members. Due to those issues, she has learned to tailor her speech to meet other people's wants. Nowadays, she's more sensitive to other members' needs. The company has been grooming her to become a suitable leader. She can speak two languages fluently and is learning mandarin. [b]Other/Hobbies:[/b] Due to her interest in fashion, she has taken up sewing and clothing design. She can play piano. [/hider] [hider=Sung-min Choi - by TanderBolt] [b]Name:[/b] Sung-min Choi [b]Age:[/b] 36 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Position:[/b] Artist and Repertoire manager, occasionally studio pianist [b]Appearance:[/b] An Asian man approaching middle age, with a large nose and glasses. His eyes are brown, and his facial features are very angular. He keeps his black hair slicked back, and dresses in business clothes even when not at work. He is slightly taller than average, and fairly skinny. [b]Personality:[/b] Sung-Min rarely seems happy, although he is never particularly rude. He is disciplined and highly trustworthy, and does not like it when others aren't, and likes to worked methodically. His outlook on life is generally cynical and pessimistic, and places little faith in the promises of people he does not know well. [b]History:[/b] Sung-min's family always had high expectations for him. His father was highly respected in his community, a successful businessman who had emigrated to America with little more than the clothes on his back. When Sung-min displayed talent for playing piano at a young age, his family enrolled him in lessons and encouraged him to practice obsessively. He dealt with the pressures well, becoming an excellent piano player and performing well in school. Few outside the family knew about their persistent problems. His father struggled with alcoholism, but was able to hide it from the outside world for a long time. Even though Sung-Min loved his father, it became increasingly hard for the family to hold together and maintain their image. During his senior year of high school, his father alcoholism got bad enough that his mother filed for divorce. The stress of the divorce had a severe impact of Sung-Min's academic performance which led to him failing several classes. Because of his poor performance, Sung-Min was unable to enter college, and ended up working menial jobs for several years after college. During this time, he kept practicing piano and writing his own compositions, hoping to some day make a career in classical music. He also got involved in the local music scene, working as session musician for below market rates. This experience allowed him to build some connections with the local music industry, and get some recognition. Eventually, he found a job with Janus Classical, a small classical record label, helping to find new music and manage the logistics of recording. He loved his work, it allowed him to discover groundbreaking music and help them share it with the world. The label specialized in newer works and young performers, attempting to differentiate themselves from the old industry giants. Sung-Min even got to record some of his own compositions, though they were not commercially successful. The label's approach was not a runaway success, and the budget was often tight. Eventually, things got so bad that they were forced to close, leaving him jobless again. After searching for a while, he found a job as in Artists and Repertoire at Amenity, thanks to his discipline and eye for musical talent. He doesn't particularly like his job, but it pays the bills. As an A&R manager, he is known for being very punctual, and for emphasizing that it is important for artists to maintain a good public image. He is also frequently cynical but always truthful, he hates to see people swindled. [/hider] [hider=Aoi Bloom - by HiddenBeauty13] Name: Aoi Bloom Stage Name: Age: 21 Gender: Female Position: Lead Vocalist Appearance: Aoi is a slender woman, standing at a height of 5''9 and a weight of only 135lbs. She has a rather roundish face in which she inherited from her mother, along with long, jet black hair that kiss her hips whenever it is not pulled up in a ponytail. Her eyes are like the color of the mid-day sky with a few hints green around the rims as well. Personality: Some would consider Aoi to be a wild individual, but she is simply a woman who strives to live her life to the fullest while she can. She's very fierce, brave and free spirited and can often be found doing potential dangerous, like skateboarding in the street or parkouring off of random objects both in and out of the studio (but she tends to do it more outside so she doesn't lose her job). She can also be a bit reckless sometimes but Aoi always manages to clean up her mess afterwards. Although she may have a rough exterior, Aoi does care about the people who are close to her and shows it in her own little way. History: Other/Hobbies: Aoi has always had a strong interest in wolves after spotting the animal on tv one day as a kid. Once she turned eighteen, Aoi went and got a tiny tattoo of paw prints on her side with the word 'ookami' beneath it in small, cursive letters and while her mother might never approve of it, it was something that the woman would never regret getting. [/hider] [hider=Isaac Heyder – by Boboclown89] [img] http://s29.postimg.org/olo9ytxqf/images_q_tbn_ANd9_Gc_Q_Sa_Ydi1_Aroupyp21fnhng_UBQf_St_M.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Isaac Heyder [b]Stage Name:[/b] Newton [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Position:[/b] Dancer, vocalist [b]Personality:[/b] He’s an upbeat young man, of average intelligence, who loves to sing and dance. [b]History:[/b] Born in an ordinary family with two younger siblings, he had a typical childhood (for the most part). He socialized with friends and played with his siblings. When he was fourteen, Isaac passed by a poster on his way home from school. It was advertising singing and dancing lessons for teenagers. He ran home and asked his parents about joining. After a few years, he had improved both his dancing and vocal skills. When he was 18, he stumbled upon Amenity Entertainment, a place where he could use his talents. [b]Strengths:[/b] He’s a great dancer and singer, who makes friends fast, and persists regardless of the odds. Isaac is an optimist. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] TBR [b]Hobbies:[/b]During his time off he’ll practice. [/hider] ------ [center][b]Possible Group names[/b][/center] [hider=names] [b]Note:[/b] I'm horrible at coming up with names. Help me!!! Think some up. [list] [*]Play Date[/*] [*]Editorium[/*] [*]Vocal Reeds[/*] [*]The Collaboration[/*] [/list] [/hider]