@Bluebe123 Darrken rolled his eyes, shook his head and smiled to himself. "I'm...good." He wasn't used to pleasantries. Especially not with trolls. Well not with anyone really. Everyone Darrken encountered was to be distrusted until they were killed or posed no threat. This troll seemed harmless enough and didn't seem to have anything valuable on him worth fighting over. So, with that Darrken decided to take off, but a small growl in his stomach made him stop. The food the knight had was not enough. Darrken had an idea, an awful idea. He had wonderfully, awful idea. He could could get some free food out of this troll. Alright, so it wasn't that wonderfully awful, but sometimes it's hard to think on an half-empty stomach. "Tell you what...you. I'll make a little fire and you keep catching the fish. Then, if you share your fish with me, I'll share my fire with you and we can have some nice cooked fish. That's sounds wonderful right?"