alright, from what I know aboutnwhat is happening in Ferguson, a congressman,, whose name I do not recall wanted the police to no longer be in control of the situation in Ferguson.. However he said that we do not need people in military dearer patrolling the streets Ferguson. However in the next breath he demanded that the National Guard be sent down to Ferguson. If we don't need people in military gear patrolling the streets, why do we need people guard who I assume will be in military uniform patrolling the streets??it does not makes sense to me. At the same time however however,you have police officers arresting the media. however the people who are being arrested are in a way very funny they tend to be the same people who are claiming that the Constitution is dead and old and outdated and no longer applicable. Yes as soon as they are arrested you have them complaining that their civil rights are being trampled is the Constitution is outdated they do not have civil rights so it is kind of funny. Anyway, if martial law does happened in Ferguson I guarantee that what will happen will not be pretty.under martial law you do not have civil rights. the National Guard can commit warrantless searches of your house and property and if they are attacked by people throwing Molotov cocktails at them they will fire back and it will be very very ugly. If martial law happens in Ferguson, we will see something that only happens in 3rd world dictatorial countries. You will have the army firing upon civilians if the order goes out that you are not allowed to protest and people are not allowed together in groups larger than three., it will lead to a massacre. If the protesters do not become peaceful there will be more blood spilled in Ferguson. sorry for the spelling errors I am using voice recognition software to write this, because it is easier for me to speak my thoughts, then it is for me to type them.