@Bluebe123 @fer1323 Darrken's eyes widened at the site of the fish. He loved fish. It was his favorite thing to eat. Maybe it was the crunch of the scales and bones. Maybe it was being able to eat its face. Maybe Darrken needed professional help. Whatever the reason, fish was his favorite meal. He quickly turned his hand to iron and began to cook the fish, one by one, in his hand and devour them. "Darrken." He replied through a mouth full of fish. He looked like a dog eating real gravy for the first time. "Get your fish now, before I eat them all." He slurped, still keeping a close eye on them both. Free food aside, he still didn't trust them. Well, the troll seemed harmless enough. Anyone that got him fish must be half-way decent. What the beast man said, he didn't know how to take. Darrken just shrugged his shoulders at him and kept eating the fish.