All those who want the cop to shoot to wound, Let's assume Dorian Johnson's ridiculous story is true. This same cop you claim was capable of laserlike precision, had a simply dreadful grouping at (at most) 60 feet. It's like two feet from forearm to forearm unless his arms were perfectly vertical, in which case his forearms would be further from his head. (If Brown moved his arms after getting shot, the grouping is worse.) This while he had as much time to aim or even get closer as he pleased. How is this cop, who shoots worse than I did when I was eight, supposed to be this 2160-noscope sniper when Brown was charging him, when he would have a few seconds tops to aim, and hit a moving leg? Exacerbated if Brown was zig-zagging and juking. Is Wilson this Roman God of accuracy, or isn't he?