[quote=Omega] Not 100% at all actually. Thick clothing can defeat it and it is generally a 1 shot weapon. If you only have 1 shot to use it there are too many situations where your life is still in great danger. [/quote] [quote=Zendric] Not exactly 100%. A law enforcement research group did a study of multiple taser brands, and found a maximum accuracy of both barbs hitting the target of 91%, while the lower end of the surveyed brands was 73%, all at 13 ft on a static target. And thats just accuracy, thats not counting the fact some people can resist it, while others can quickly pull the barbs out, minimizing stunning. Only a relatively small amount of people can do that, but the factor still exists. http://www.lawanddemocracy.org/pdffiles/psdb09-02.pdf <- Heres the study I referenced if you want to check it out, its actually pretty interesting. [/quote] ^ Yep (also, look up how much more expensive police-grade tasers are, [i]for an absolutely less effective weapon[/i]). I'm sorry, Brovo, you aren't going to win this one, unless you visit your local police station and videotape an interview of them saying that shooting to wound is a reasonable practice in actively dangerous situations.