Grankle has dealt with Goblins before, so he knows what to expect. Goblins aren't great strategists and his plan would ruin their flank. Kill about ten invaders and the others chicken out and run home. However, the Goblins had a trick up their sleeves this time... Four hours later... "ATTAAAAAACK!" The commander screeched. The Goblins came later than Grankle expected. Grankle threw a sharpened rock, piercing a Goblin's brain and killing him. Two invaders managed to get up the quite steep hill around back and attempted to jump onto Grankle. One was then a gory splat on a log, the other managed to bruise Grankle's back fat. He was then hummed into one of his brethren, knocking them both out cold. All the Goblins fled, "Aha! Grankle will feed your dead to the critters..." THUNK. THUNK. THUNK. The ground around the Troll shook, he looked confused and concerned. "GRAAAAAAAOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRR" A gargantuan Ogre roared. "What was that?" Grankled looked to his left, seeing the Ogre climb over the logs then attempt to club him, but missing. Grankle ran to a boulder and picked it up, throwing it at the Ogre and knocking him over. This was Grankle's chance. He ran over to the Ogre who just stood up and headbutt him, knocking him over yet again. The Troll jumped on him and began to pummel him, taking out a few teeth and breaking his nose. The beast flung him into the hillside then went to finish him. Grankle got up and dashed over to a tree that was still up and climbed it. The Ogre ran over to it, attempted to break it with his club. Grankle got higher up and bodyslammed the Ogre, killing him. The Troll wiped his pants off and carried the bodies away from his home and into a local wolf pack's territory.