Okay. Third attempt to try and get this post up. Silly RPG. [quote=Omega]Not 100% at all actually. Thick clothing can defeat it and it is generally a 1 shot weapon. If you only have 1 shot to use it there are too many situations where your life is still in great danger.[/quote] [b]*Drowned in good points about tasers, won't make that mistake again*[/b] [quote=Imperfectionist] Well, you don't know that, and neither do I. Brovo might have considerable experience with firearms, and has simply never been fearful for his life using a gun at the same time. [/quote] Never even claimed firearms experience. So I learned a lot about tasers just now. That's cool. As for the scenarios involved, I just want to quickly point out... I'm fairly sure you have to point a gun at someone in order for bullets to hit them. I'm not a master of firearms, obviously, but, unless we're implying the officer has 360 noscope headshot powers... [quote=Zendric](And also further serves to illustrate that there was likely a struggle for the weapon in the car considering [b]the gun could not have been pointed at Brown when it went off[/b].)[/quote] If the gun could not have been pointed at Brown when it went off, how did six bullets find their way into Brown's body? :hehe Unless you mean that the gun did not go off in the vehicle? Does this mean the officer knocked Brown away, then Brown raised his arms instinctively to protect himself and was gunned down by a panicking officer? That's a likely story, maybe. Alas, though, y'all have quite thoroughly made your points and articulated them well with sources. I am beaten and left to think on this. [img]http://replygif.net/i/141.gif[/img] G'day folks. Though, one more thing... [quote=So Boerd]I'd put money on Brovo never shooting anything harder than a milk jug at 20 feet with a .22 on a bench rest.[/quote] [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem]When will you learn this is not a valid form of argument[/url]. :lol You were merely damaging the arguments of others on your side, not helping them. Just food for thought.