[center][img=http://s22.postimg.org/jtr04y1ht/War_Pulse_Word_Art.png][/center] It took a moment for War-Pulse to really process what exactly he was seeing, even a veteran like himself had to take a moment to really take in the scene sprawling before him. They skies were littered with flying humanoids on leathery wings, the streets swarming with all manner of monstrosities. Snarling, roaring, chattering beasts of all shapes and sizes with gnarled claws and gnashing teeth, some even brandished cold and rusty weaponry or could breathe fire. No matter which way he looked at it, the scene was clear by the bodies and destruction under the wake of these beasts, hell had indeed made a visit to Earth. As soon as the cold, terrifying fact sank into War-Pulse's psyche, he re-activated his communicator and delivered a visual using the tiny camera attached to his jacket. "Hey, Warden? Can you answer something for me?" "You hung up on me, what do you want?" "Were there any signs of some kind of demonic invasion from hell today? Or any clarification that demons exist?" A brief pause came between the two.of them. Either Warden was just trying to process the request made of him or judging just how crazy War-Pulse had become. "Well...I had heard some reports that local cult activity had risen recently, as if to welcome some--oh." "What?" "Just saw the visual, that actually corresponds with a hefty amount of rituals taking place in Lost Haven." Warden said in a matter-of-fact tone, causing one of War-Pulse's brows to raise. "Annnnd you didn't bother to share that with anyone?" War-Pulse asked, Warden's calmness when faced with demonic hordes clearly surprising him. "Do I sound like the religious type, Pulse?" "Well no, but I'm starting to think we might want to make a church visit at some point." As soon as War-Pulse finished his quip, he noticed that some of the demons had taken notice of his position up in the sky. One on the ground had motioned to a few flying demons to attack in some sort of squad formation. At first, Pulse had thought about just leaving, this was not his city, nor was he being paid for defending the city from demons. However, that instinct was overwhelmed by another urge, an urge to make his fighting really worth his time. These were not some warlord's soldiers, or mobsters, or anything he could beat with just a flick of his finger. These were demons, something he really could pound into not just for some cash, but for a really good purpose. As the demons advanced, War-Pulse spoke into his communicator one more time. "Warden? I've made up my mind, I'm going to engage the demon threat." "Good, wipe them out." "I know we aren't gettin' paid bu-- wait what?" "Yeah, kill as many as you can." "Oh...I just thought that...you would be more against it." "Pulse, I like Earth, I think Earth will be much less appealing with demons on it, therefore; kill demons." At that confirmation, from underneath the mask grew a wide, excited smile from Pulse, his body fluctuating with energy, now clearly visible in the sky by demons and heroes all around. Almost instantly he began to descend at the squad coming to him, the bursts of energy rocketing behind him echoed through the sky. His fists clenched, pulling his arm back for the inevitable conflict, the front demon beginning to waver in his resolve. However, it was too late for him, there was no turning back. As soon as War-Pulse got within shouting distance of the horde, the demons would indeed get an earful of that trademark War-Pulse charm. “You bastards are going to wish you stayed in hell!” With that shout, his fist came forward and connected with the first demon in the squad. Almost instantaneously the demon rocketed through his comrades, flying end over end into a building down on the block, caving the roof in on the monster. Undaunted, the other demons continued their advance, one trying to jab War-Pulse with his long, flesh and blood covered spear. With one flick of his arm, War-Pulse snapped the metal spear like a toothpick before taking the broken end and jabbing it into the demon’s eye. The reptilian beast screeched in pain before getting a gutshot and a right cross across its stomach and face, plummeting to the ground and impacting with a car below. Laughing, Pulse launched a series of kinetic blasts at nearby humanoids. One after another being torn apart by pure energy, raining body parts and screams to the ground below. “Hahahah! Is that all you got?!? C’mon, show me what hell [i]really[/i] has in store for me!” As if they were actually listening, a particularly large winged demon advanced from a nearby building the size of a minivan and about as angry as the mother inside of one. It’s head was a bull, horrid talons for hands and what could only been described as bird legs. It screeched loudly at War-Pulse, clearly not being able to project any rational thought other than killing and maiming. In fact the monster tore clean two or three other demons as it raced to face the new foe. “Bring it, ugly!” War-Pulse shouted at the larger demon, motioning with his hands to bring it on. With vigorous rage and velocity, the large demon collided with War-Pulse mid air, the two frames smashing into one another sounding like two cars crashing into one another. Momentarily, War-Pulse was shoved through the sky by the larger form, trying to get control of their immediate grapple. However it quickly found itself outclassed in strength, as the moment it got its arms around War-Pulse it felt its face barraged by a series of kinetically-charged punches, each one ringing over the city. With one final cross, the large demon was forced to let go and be pushed back, delivering a powerful kick to War-Pulse’s chest and forcing him to recoil and regain levitation momentarily. The large demon tried to pursue, throwing wild haymakers at its foe in an attempt to overwhelm War-Pulse with its violent offensive. Again it came short, as War-Pulse ducked and swayed like a world-class boxer in mid-air, dancing to and fro in the air to avoid the clubbing blows. In retaliation, War-Pulse launched a point-blank blast at the beast’s face, clearly breaking the monster’s nose and sending it writhing through the air, turning its back to War-Pulse. Taking advantage of the situation, War-Pulse flew right up to the demon, grabbing hold of its wings and placing his feet on its back. “Hey, beastie.” War-Pulse leaned in close, whispering menacingly into the now-frightened beast. “Wanna find out how ‘terminal velocity’ works on Earth?” With that statement, War-Pulse pushed with his feet and pulled hard, a quick jerk resulted in both wings being severed from the mighty demon. The creature screamed in a horrid mixture of terror and pain, letting the natural forces of Earth begin to bring down to the cold tar hundreds of feet below. War-Pulse, not to let a good situation go, kept his feet on the beast during the descent, literally surfing on the large demon to the ground. He could see that on his descent, other demons were coming his way, trying to attack him while he fell from the sky. Energy blast after energy blast repelled the fiends, ripping demon after demon apart as large demon and War-Pulse fell to the asphalt. Laughing, War-Pulse placed a particularly nasty kick on the back of the large demon’s head, driving the beast head first into the tar. The impact was deafening, concrete and rock breaking upon impact, the demon being cratered into the ground underneath War-Pulse’s mighty heel, its skull liquidating upon impact, dust being kicked up around the two bodies. A brief silence from the surrounding horde as the dust cleared, only to find a glowing, crackling War-Pulse standing on the body of the large demon, he scanned the screeching, stammering horde, the grin never leaving his face as he shouted in a menacing joy. “Alright, who’s next, then!?!”