"The book!" Ress screeched. "Keep the book safe!" Stonesleeve stopped trying to stand up and instead clutched the book tightly to his chest, moistening the cover. Ress stayed in the water, her tiny limbs moving just under its surface to keep her afloat. "Good evening!" she called from down there, wondering if the strange creature could even hear her. "Stonesleve, sit down." The clay man sat by the edge of the water, the book tucked under his arm. "Say," Ress shouted up to the feline. "You wouldn't happen to have an in with the scholars, would you? Do they know you? Because if they don't, you could do us a huge favor." Stonesleeve stared forward, impassive. Ress climbed out of the water, ran a hand over her unruly hair, and shook herself dry. She looked the strange creature straight in the eye and asked, "Do you want to help us out? You would be rewarded, of course."