(It's Takano, lol xD) Hotaru listened as Yuzuru explained the situation involving the hole in the ceiling. "A.. Aliens? Seriously?" She was actually buying all the bull being fed to her by Yuzuru. Just then the subject was changed "W-Whoa Takano-san! You look nice today as usual! Can you squat down, charge you ki, and then transform into a beautiful blonde with long spiky hair for me? Pretty people can do that, right?" Hotaru stared at her blankly. [i]She wants me to go Super Saiyan now??[/i] Hotaru thought in her head and then remembered this was her captain speaking. "Alright... If you say so..." Just as she was about to squat slightly, Kyakona glomped Hotaru "Takano-san!! Dono yō ni kono hare no hidesu?!" She asked excitedly and then stared into Hotaru's soul. "Er... I'm... Fine?" She sounded unsure as she answered and smiled nervously, still managing to through out some sparkles.