Ilyndriel was a priest, but he was also an explorer, and an investigator. Traditionally, it would have been odd for one of his people to leave their homeland, high in the ancient forest where the druids had magically woven the living wood to suit their needs. Druidism was common and a respected tradition. Night elves lived in harmony with nature, at least they did now, ever since the invasion of the demons and destruction of the worldwell. For this reason, for millennia, arcane magic had been banned. But that was long, long ago. Ilyndriel had in recent times, taken an interest in traveling the world. It was an opportunity to learn, to spread the influence of his merciful goddess, and to thwart evil hopefully before it could take root and grow into a threat. And so, he traveled, going wherever the goddess willed. Dawn was upon him, and Ilyndriel was getting sleepy. Sighing heavily, he looked in his bags for anything to eat. ...Just some crumbs. With a sad face he sat down. "Oh goddess. I'm so hungry." Perhaps if he just went to sleep for the day, he could get some rest and try to find breakfast the next evening. he leaned his tall frame against a tree in a clearing and slowly closed his glowing yellow eyes.