[center][img]http://media.moddb.com/images/groups/1/3/2747/auto/4b0a3668_5c1a3ae0_wallpaper_aliens_vs_predator_01_2560x1600.jpg[/img] [b]ALIEN VS PREDATOR: LV-629[/b][/center] [b][u][center]LV-629[/b][/u] [i]Located thirty-nine lightyears from Earth, LV-629 appears to be a home away from home. With a gravity of .96 and a terran biome, this planet has all the makings of a second Earth. Colonized successfully by Weyland-Yutani sixteen months ago, the planetary engineers have only just dipped their toes into the proverbial waters. The world teems with life and while most of it is non-hostile, the United States Colonial Marine Corps has still stationed a platoon detachment from the USS Calloway planetside to protect the colonists. LV-629 is not all that it appears however. While marked as a non-inhabited world, the Hunters have used LV-629 as a planet of justice and punishment, sending dishonored hunters and Bad Bloods there attempting to reclaim glory in the last years of their life. The world holds many secrets, initial planetary scans by Weyland-Yutani indicate a vast array of subterranean tunnels lined with precious medals, an assortment of varied exoplanetary life and the remnants of an ancient city that seem to predate even humanity. What secrets will be uncovered? What secrets will remain as such? [/i][/center] [b][u]FACTIONS[/b][/u] [b]United States Colonial Marine Corps[/b]: The USCMC are the baddest boys in the galaxy, toting a complete arsenal and heavy firepower, these hombres have been tasked with protecting the colonists of LV-629, which as of currently, is a cake walk. The USCMC garrison numbers 44 Marines divided into four squads of two fireteams a piece, with 8 pilots, a Chief Medical Officer, Platoon XO and Platoon Commander. They have four UD-4 Cheyenne dropships, 2 APC’s and auxiliary equipment. [quote][b][u]USCMC Recruitment Application[/b][/u] [b]Name[/b]: [b]Physical Description[/b]: [b]Brief Military History[/b]: (All players will start as a Private First Class, but don't worry -- promotions will come at a premium on LV-629).[/quote] [b]The Hunters[/b]: Referred to as the Yautja by human observers, these ancient warriors have often used the planet as a place to dispose of Bad Bloods and dishonored hunters. Things have slightly changed with the inclusion of the warm bloods presence on the planet, and several hunters have been sent in to clean things up before chaos ensues. The Hunters are composed of a handful of Unblooded, several Blooded Hunters and an untold number of Dishonored and Bad Bloods. [quote][b][u]Hunters Recruitment Application[/b][/u] [b]Alias[/b]: (Most Hunter's names are unintelligible to humans, but they often take on an alias; Claw, Celtic, Falcon, etc). [b]Physical Description[/b]: [b]Alignment[/b]: Unblooded (An unproven hunter seeking to prove his worth), or Bad Blood (An exiled hunter who has little in allies and seeks only to thrive, kill and survive).[/quote] [b]Xenomorphs[/b]: Largely unknown, Xenomorphs are currently not present on the planet; or if they are have since remained undiscovered. (Xenomorphs will become available in Chapter II, once the story has progressed some). [center]____________________________________________________________________________________________________[/center] [b][u]USCMC Roster[/b][/u] [list][*][b]Cade, Dylan[/b]: [i]Private First Class, 2nd Squad[/i] ([b]M3 Armor, M41A1 Pulse Rifle, VP70 Pistol, TNR Shoulder Lamp, Medikit[/b]) -- [b]Wilkes, Xavier[/b] ([b]NPC[/b]) [i]Private First Class, 1st Squad[/i] ([b]M3 Armor, M41A1 Pulse Rifle, TNR Shoulder Lamp, Motion Tracker[/b])[/*] [*][b]Stone, Icarai[/b]: [i]Private First Class, 1st Squad[/i] ([b]M3 Armor, M41A1 Pulse Rifle, VP70 Pistol, TNR Shoulder Lamp, Medkit[/b]) -- [b]Carson, Charles[/b] ([b]NPC[/b]) [i]Private First Class, 1st Squad[/i] ([b]M3 Armor, ZX-76 Shotgun, VP70 Pistol, TNR Shoulder Lamp[/b])[/*] [*][b]Stone, Durk[/b]: [i]Private First Class, 1st Squad[/i] ([b]M3 Armor, M56A2 Smartgun, VP70 Pistol, TNR Shoulder Lamp[/b])[/*][/list] [center]____________________________________________________________________________________________________[/center] [b][u]Hunters[/b][/u] -- [b]Strife[/b]: [i]Bad Blood[/i] ([i]Mesh Armor, Cloaking Device, Wrist Blades, Plasma Caster, Medkit, Fibercord (x5)[/i])