Name: James Feryana Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: James is a average sized 17 year old with black, short hair and blue eyes. He is thin, and he doesn't have a beard or mustache. He normally wears casual clothes. Personality: James is a really shy boy, even at the age of 17. He is easily made scared, upset, and even easily made angry. In general, James is normally happy, and he cares for nature. James is usually found alone, maybe even crying to himself. He is weak, and cowardly. He plays PC games, and role plays. He does a lot of things on the computer. James doesn't like people talking behind his back, and often gets upset if he finds out, or even thinks, that someone is talking behind his back. When upset, James often runs away. James likes books. Background: James was born to a relatively poor family, being an only child. He studies hard, hoping to get a job as an ICT technician. His parents had to work really hard to keep getting in money and profits. His parents worked far away from home, so they usually have to leave James with a babysitter. The babysitter never actually cared for James, and just watched TV the entire time she was there. Every time she was there, James would just be curled in the corner of his bedroom with a book, just reading fantasy stories or occasionally a book about a game. Unfortunately, you'd think that the babysitter not caring for James was enough, but his parents normally ignored him, as well. They weren't abusive or anything, but they just didn't care about what James said. Nonetheless, James continues to study, and make a few friends.